• Latitude: -5.38055
  • Longitude: 11.4431
  • West Africa
  • Offshore Terminal in Liberia

Address: Liberia

The "FPU ALIMA" refers to the Floating Production Unit (FPU) named ALIMA, which operates as an offshore terminal. While specific operational and technical data can be restricted or periodically updated, the general framework of an FPU like ALIMA can be detailed through its general purpose, specifications, and operational context. Here’s a description based on industry standards:

General Description:

  • Function: FPUs are offshore facilities used for the production, processing, and storage of hydrocarbons. They are designed to process oil or gas extracted from subsea wells, often found in deeper waters.
  • Location: FPU ALIMA is situated offshore Liberia, operating to facilitate the country's burgeoning oil and gas sector.

Key Features and Specifications:

  1. Hull and Structure:

    • Type: Typical FPUs are either ship-shaped (like an FPSO - Floating Production Storage and Offloading unit) or semi-submersible.
    • Dimensions: Length, breadth, and draft specifics depend on design; for instance, they might be around 250 meters in length with a breadth of 50 meters.
    • Construction: Steel hull, often double-hulled for added safety and environmental protection.
  2. Processing Facilities:

    • Production Capacity: Designed to process significant volumes of oil and gas per day (often around 100,000 barrels of oil and several million cubic feet of gas).
    • Modules: Includes separators, gas treatment, water treatment, and sometimes reinjection systems.
  3. Storage:

    • Capacity: Could store several hundred thousand to over a million barrels of oil.
    • Tanks: Multiple storage tanks segregated for oil, water, and slop (waste).
  4. Mooring System:

    • Type: Usually a spread mooring system or turret mooring – allows for 360-degree rotation.
    • Anchoring: Anchors or suction piles ensure stability even in turbulent waters.
  5. Utility Systems:

    • Power Generation: Diesel or gas turbines for onboard power.
    • Water Systems: Potable water generation and treatment systems.
    • Fire and Safety: Advanced fire detection and suppression systems, lifeboats, and emergency evacuation procedures.
  6. Accommodation:

    • Capacity: Facilities to house 100-200 personnel.
    • Amenities: Living quarters, dining areas, recreational facilities, medical center.
  7. Offloading:

    • Oil Offloading: Through tandem loading buoys or floating hoses connected to tankers.
    • Gas Export: Via pipelines or Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) carriers.

Operational Context:

  • Environment: Designed to withstand harsh oceanic conditions typical of the offshore Liberian environment, including high waves and strong currents.
  • Compliance: Adheres to international maritime safety and environmental standards (e.g., MARPOL, SOLAS).

Additional Specifications:

  • Helipad: For transportation of personnel and light cargo.
  • Communication Systems: Satellite links, VHF/UHF radios, emergency communication systems.

Maintenance and Support:

  • Inspections: Regular subsea and topside inspections using ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicles) and divers.
  • Support Vessels: Assisted by supply boats, standby vessels, and sometimes maintenance rigs.

This summary provides an overview based on common attributes of FPUs in similar roles. For precise specifications, closer insights into FPU ALIMA's construction, engineering schemata, operational data, and updates from authoritative sources like Lloyd's Register or the operating company, would be necessary.

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