• Latitude: -38.3827
  • Longitude: 145.272
  • East Australia
  • Port in Australia

Address: French Island Victoria Australia

Phone number: +61 3 1234 5678

French Island is situated in Western Port, in the state of Victoria, Australia. The island is significant for its natural environment, offering extensive areas of native vegetation, wetlands, and a diverse range of wildlife. However, it is not known for having a traditional, large-scale commercial marine port like those found in major cities. Here are some key points about French Island from a marine and logistic perspective:


  1. Location:

    • French Island is located approximately 61 kilometers southeast of Melbourne, in Western Port Bay.
  2. Size:

    • The island covers an area of around 170 square kilometers, making it the largest coastal island of Victoria.
  3. Status:

    • The majority of the island is protected as part of the French Island National Park.
    • It is relatively undeveloped, with limited infrastructure compared to the mainland.
  4. Population:

    • It has a small, sparse population, with fewer than 100 residents.
  5. Environment:

    • French Island is known for its pristine natural landscapes, including coastal heathlands, mangroves, and salt marshes.
    • It supports a significant amount of flora and fauna, including some endangered species.

Marine Port Specifications:

  1. Facilities:

    • There is no major commercial port on French Island.
    • Access is primarily via smaller jetties that cater to local ferries and private boats.
    • Key landing points include Tankerton Jetty, which is one of the main access points for visitors and residents.
  2. Access:

    • Ferry Services: Ferries operate between Stony Point on the Mornington Peninsula and Tankerton Jetty on French Island.
    • Private Boats: Private vessels can also access the island, but larger ships are not typically accommodated.
  3. Navigation:

    • Waters around French Island can be shallow and require careful navigation.
    • The tidal range in Western Port is significant, impacting the accessibility of jetties at certain times.
  4. Cargo and Transport:

    • Due to the lack of commercial port facilities, cargo transport is very limited.
    • Supplies for residents and park operations are brought in via ferry or smaller boats.
  5. Tourism and Recreation:

    • Marine-related activity is mostly recreational, focusing on boating, fishing, and eco-tourism.
    • There are no large-scale marinas; docking space is available at Tankerton Jetty and a few other basic facilities.

Challenges and Considerations:

  1. Environmental Protection:

    • Any marine infrastructure development is constrained by strict environmental regulations to protect the island's ecosystems.
  2. Limited Development:

    • Infrastructure is minimal; there are no large cargo handling facilities or deep-water docks.
  3. Remote Access:

    • Access can be limited by weather conditions and tidal changes, impacting ferry schedules and boat access.

In summary, French Island does not have a traditional marine port but provides basic facilities for small-scale transport and recreational activities. The focus on environmental preservation limits the potential for extensive commercial port development.

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