• Latitude: 1.82514
  • Longitude: 127.848
  • Indonesia
  • Port in Indonesia

Address: Indonesia

Marine Port Description and Specification: Galela, Indonesia


  • Village/Town: Galela
  • Island: Halmahera
  • Province: North Maluku
  • Country: Indonesia
  • Coordinates: Approximately 1.7918° N latitude, 127.9692° E longitude

General Overview: The Port of Galela is situated on the island of Halmahera, which is part of the Indonesian province of North Maluku. Positioned advantageously in the northeastern part of Halmahera, the port serves as a crucial local hub for maritime traffic, especially catering to regional and local transportation needs, including cargo, passenger services, and inter-island connectivity.

Port Infrastructure:

  1. Berthing Facilities:

    • Number of berths: Limited, primarily serving small to medium-sized vessels.
    • Berth length and depth: Varies, with some docking areas dredged to accommodate modest draught vessels.
    • Specialized berths: Typically configured to handle mixed cargo and passenger services.
  2. Cargo Handling:

    • Types of cargo: General cargo, local agricultural produce, and other commercial goods.
    • Infrastructure: Basic cargo handling equipment; may include cranes and forklifts for loading and unloading.
    • Storage facilities: Limited warehousing capacity for temporary storage.
  3. Passenger Services:

    • Regular ferry services connecting to other parts of Halmahera and nearby islands.
    • Basic passenger amenities available in the terminal area.
  4. Support Services:

    • Fueling: Basic bunkering services available.
    • Provisions: Limited supply of provisions and ship chandlery.
    • Maintenance: Basic repair and maintenance facilities for minor vessel repairs.

Operational Characteristics:

  • Port Administration: Managed by a local port authority under provincial jurisdiction.
  • Operational Hours: Typically operates throughout the day, although some facilities may have restricted hours of operation.
  • Navigation:
    • Entrance channel: Marked by navigational aids; depth and width may require cautious navigation for larger vessels.
    • Pilotage: Generally not required for smaller vessels; larger crafts might require pilotage.


  • Road Connectivity: Linked by regional roads to other parts of Halmahera.
  • Maritime Connectivity: Key node for local maritime routes; connections to nearby islands and mainland destinations.
  • Air Connectivity: Closest airport facilities in domestic vicinity, offering limited reach.

Environmental and Safety Considerations:

  • Weather Conditions: Subject to tropical climate patterns with potential for heavy rains and tropical storms.
  • Safety Protocols: Standard safety and security measures in place.

Economic and Strategic Importance:

  • Serves as a key logistical hub for regional trade and transportation.
  • Supports local economic activities, particularly in fishing, agriculture, and local commerce.

Galela’s port, despite its modest scale and limited infrastructure, plays a significant role in facilitating regional connectivity and supporting local economies. It epitomizes the typical maritime hub essential to the archipelagic nature of Indonesian logistics and transportation.

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