• Latitude: 53.305
  • Longitude: 6.49414
  • UK Coast & Atlantic
  • Port in Netherlands

Address: Garnwerd Groningen 9893PB Netherlands

Garnwerd is a small village located in the Dutch province of Groningen in the northern part of the Netherlands. It is more known for its picturesque landscapes and charming architectural features rather than for its role as a major marine port. However, there are several relevant details about waterway access and mooring options in or near Garnwerd.


  1. General Overview:

    • Location: Garnwerd lies along the Reitdiep river, which is one of the oldest man-made waterways in the Netherlands, originally constructed in the medieval era to manage water and provide access for trade.
    • Village Character: The area is rural, scenic, and known for its historical and rustic appeal. The waterway is popular among recreational boaters.
  2. Port Activities:

    • Recreational Boating: The Reitdiep river attracts leisure craft and small boats. The scenic route is popular for weekend outings and boating holidays.
    • Local Amenities: Garnwerd may offer basic services for boaters such as mooring spots, local eateries, and essential supplies. The village is known for its hospitality, making it an inviting stop for those navigating through the Reitdiep river.


  1. Waterway Access:

    • Reitdiep River: The primary waterway connecting Garnwerd to larger bodies of water. It provides passage to and from the city of Groningen, as well as to the Lauwersmeer and the Wadden Sea.
  2. Mooring Facilities:

    • Mooring: Garnwerd has several designated mooring spots along the Reitdiep. These are primarily intended for short-term stays of recreational boats.
    • Length: The mooring spots can typically accommodate small to medium-sized vessels which are common in inland waterway traffic.
    • Depth: The Reitdiep river's depth is generally suitable for small pleasure craft but would not support deep-draft commercial vessels.
  3. Services:

    • Basic Amenities: Limited facilities are available for boat provisioning. Visitors can find local restaurants and cafes.
    • Fuel and Repair: Limited to none in Garnwerd; boaters would need to seek these services in larger nearby cities, such as Groningen.
  4. Communication and Navigation:

    • Signage: Adequate river signage guiding through the Reitdiep and alongside Garnwerd.
    • Navigation Aids: Typical aids for inland waterway navigation such as buoys and markers along the Reitdiep.

Nearby Ports:

  • Groningen: The closest major port, offering comprehensive services including commercial shipping facilities, extensive mooring options, repair services, and varied maritime support lines.
  • Lauwersoog: This is a coastal port northwest of Garnwerd with marina facilities and fishing fleet operations that provide more extensive marine services than what is available in Garnwerd.

Key Points of Interest:

  • Historic and Rural Appeal: Garnwerd’s historical significance and charming rural atmosphere make it a noteworthy stop for those interested in Dutch culture and history.
  • Reitdiep River: The primary feature that defines maritime and leisure boating activity in the area.


Garnwerd, while not a major marine port, provides a delightful and practical hub for recreational boating on the Reitdiep river. Its scenic appeal and limited mooring facilities cater to tourists and local boaters seeking a tranquil stopover. Boaters requiring more extensive services would need to look to nearby larger ports such as Groningen and Lauwersoog.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
KREIA Sailing 9/15/2024
POLLUX Sailing 9/14/2024
VIVACE Sailing 9/12/2024
PANTAHAN Pleasure 9/10/2024
ECOLUTION Passenger G 9/10/2024
LIEF & LEED Pleasure TREFFERS 9/8/2024
MALI RAJ Sailing 9/3/2024
ANNA CATHARINA Passenger ZOUTKAMP_ 8/30/2024
LEENDERT Dredging VOLELENDAM 8/30/2024
PACIFIC BLUE Pleasure 8/23/2024

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