• Latitude: 34.8458
  • Longitude: 24.1185
  • East Mediterranean
  • Port in Greece

Address: Gavdos Crete Greece

Marine Port Overview: Gavdos, Greece

Port Name: Gavdos


  • Gavdos is a small island located to the south of the island of Crete in Greece. It serves as the southernmost point of Europe.
  • Coordinates: Approximately 34.8486° N latitude and 24.1111° E longitude.

Port Type:

  • Small, local, and primarily a ferry port.


  • The port of Gavdos provides essential connectivity for the island, primarily linking with the southern coast of Crete.
  • Accessibility can be affected by weather conditions due to the island’s exposed position in the Mediterranean Sea.


  • Berthing: The port has limited berthing facilities primarily intended for small vessels and ferries. Given the size of the island, the berthing infrastructure is relatively basic.
  • Navigation Aids: Standard aids to navigation, such as buoys and small lighthouses, help guide vessels, but facilities may not be as advanced as those found in larger ports.
  • Cargo Handling: Minimal cargo handling facilities. Operations are typically focused on goods necessary for the island's inhabitants and the local economy.
  • Passenger Services: Essential ferry services that connect Gavdos with the island of Crete. Passenger services are limited and often subject to weather conditions.
  • Maritime Services: Limited to basic needs (fuel supply, minor repairs). No extensive repair or maritime service facilities available.


  • Water Supply: Limited; ships usually bring necessary supplies.
  • Fuel & Power: Very basic provision mainly for local use; no large storage facilities.
  • Waste Disposal: Basic; environmental protection measures are followed, but the infrastructure is not extensive.

Economic Activity:

  • Primarily local with tourism playing a significant role during the tourist season.
  • Fishing and small-scale agriculture are also important to the local economy.

Environmental Considerations:

  • Gavdos is known for its natural beauty with several protected areas. Activities in the port are managed to minimize environmental impact.
  • The waters are clear and relatively unpolluted.

Navigation and Approach:

  • Approaching the port requires careful navigation due to the rocky coastline and potential weather-driven sea conditions.
  • No major hazards are marked, but mariners should be cautious of changing conditions.

Nearby Facilities:

  • The island’s infrastructure is minimal, with basics like a few small shops, medical facilities, and accommodations available mostly in the summer months.
  • Extensive services and facilities can be found on the nearby island of Crete.


  • Basic communication facilities are available, but high-speed internet and advanced telecommunication options may be limited.


Gavdos port serves as a crucial lifeline for ferry services to and from Crete, essential for the residents and tourism. It's a small-scale port with basic facilities suitable for its requirements, adhering to environmental norms given the island’s natural significance.

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