• Latitude: 32.4706
  • Longitude: 34.8775
  • East Mediterranean
  • Port in Israel

Address: Hadera Israel

Phone number: +972-4-123-4567

Web-site: https://www.hadera-port.co.il

Marine Port Description: Hadera, Israel


Hadera is a coastal city in Israel, known for its port which plays a significant role in the country's maritime commerce and energy supply. Specifically, the town is home to the Hadera Offshore Platform associated with the Orot Rabin Power Plant, Israel's largest power station, located nearby. The key functions here are related to the importation of coal for the power station and potentially other maritime activities related to industrial and commercial logistics.


  • Coordinates: Approximately 32.4333° N latitude and 34.8833° E longitude.
  • Proximity: Situated along the Mediterranean Sea, the port is positioned between the larger ports of Haifa to the north and Ashdod to the south.

Port Specifications

  1. Port Type: Primarily an industrial port servicing the Orot Rabin Power Station.
  2. Berths and Terminals:
    • One main coal terminal where dedicated ships offload coal.
    • Capabilities for cargo handling may exist but are likely secondary to the coal import operations.
  3. Depth and Draft:
    • Deep-water port equipped to handle large bulk carriers.
    • Draft clearance sufficient for the specific vessels used in coal transportation.

Services and Operations

  • Primary Cargo: Coal for the Orot Rabin Power Plant.
  • Facilities: Basic facilities tailored to the operations of importing and handling bulk coal.
  • Supporting Infrastructure: Conveyance systems directly linking the port to the power station’s storage and processing units.

Energy Imports and Handling

  • Coal Handling: The port is specifically designed to accommodate bulk carriers delivering coal, essential for the power plant's operations.
  • Operational Efficiency: Integrates state-of-the-art unloading and conveyance systems to ensure efficient coal importation and minimal downtime in energy supply.

Environmental and Regulatory Considerations

  • Environmental Protection: Given the nature of the main cargo and the proximity to the coastline, environmental protection measures are in place to manage coal dust and pollution.
  • Regulations: Subject to Israeli national maritime and environmental regulations.


  • Marine Approach: Clear navigational approaches from the Mediterranean with appropriate maritime aids to navigation such as buoys and lights.
  • Land Access: Road infrastructure supporting logistical and operational requirements, facilitated by connections to regional and national transportation networks.

Additional Information

  • Future Developments: Any potential advancements or expansions are likely tied to national energy policies and technological upgrades in maritime logistics.
  • Security: High level of security due to the strategic importance of the infrastructure it supports.

The port of Hadera serves a specialized role in Israel’s maritime and energy ecosystems, primarily focusing on the importation and handling of coal for the power generation sector, distinguished by its operational efficiency and adherence to environmental standards.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
HADERA Towing/Tug HADERA PORT 9/13/2024
MAORA 1 Towing/Tug HADERA PORT 9/13/2024
KESARIA Towing/Tug HADERA PORT 9/13/2024
HADERA PORT baycraft 9/12/2024

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