• Latitude: 51.8443
  • Longitude: 4.64002
  • UK Coast & Atlantic
  • Port in Netherlands

Address: Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht ZH 3341 Netherlands

Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht is a municipality in the western Netherlands, in the province of South Holland. It is not specifically known for its own large maritime port, especially compared to major Dutch ports like Rotterdam or Amsterdam. However, Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht is in close proximity to some key waterways and infrastructure that support marine activities, thanks to the intricate network of rivers and canals in the region.

General Description

Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht is located along the river Noord, which is a crucial waterway in the Dutch inland shipping network. The Noord connects to several other significant rivers, such as the Nieuwe Maas and the Oude Maas, facilitating movements to larger ports and inland locations.

Geographical Coordinates

  • Latitude: 51.8442° N
  • Longitude: 4.6331° E

Nearby Maritime Facilities

Although Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht itself may not host a large commercial port, it is well-positioned in the vicinity of larger ports and marine facilities, particularly:

  • Port of Rotterdam: Approximately 20 kilometers to the west, it is the largest port in Europe and a hub for international trade.
  • Alblasserdam: Close by and situated along the Noord river, with its own industrial areas and river port facilities.

Specifications and Features

Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht’s local waterways are used for:

  • Inland Shipping: Extensive use of barges and smaller vessels for transporting goods within the Netherlands and throughout Europe.
  • Industrial Access: Proximity to industrial complexes that benefit from waterway transport.
  • Residential and Recreational Use: Mixed-use waterways that also support residential docking and recreational boating.

Key Marine-Related Infrastructure

  • Wharves and Jetties: Smaller docking facilities for local industrial and recreational vessels.
  • Shipbuilding and Repair: The region has a tradition in shipbuilding, with some facilities still operational.
  • Transportation Links: Excellent connections to other transportation modes, including road and rail networks.


  • Commercial: Mostly small-scale compared to larger neighbors; often serves as a feeder location.
  • Industrial: Focus on supporting local industries with shipping and transport connections.
  • Recreational: Considerable use for pleasure boating and residential access.

Environmental Considerations

The waterways around Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht are part of the larger Dutch delta system, known for careful environmental management to mitigate flooding and preserve clean waterways.

Community and Governance

Marine activities are governed under Dutch maritime laws and local regulations specific to the municipality and the province of South Holland.

Future Developments

The region continues to evolve, possibly expanding its marine capacity in synergy with broader regional developments, particularly those related to the nearby Rotterdam port and inland shipping enhancements.


While Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht itself may not be famous for a large commercial port, it is integrally connected to the Netherlands' rich maritime infrastructure. Its proximity to major waterways and the Port of Rotterdam makes it a significant location for supporting inland shipping, local industrial activities, and recreational boating.

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