• Latitude: 34.7398
  • Longitude: 134.612
  • Japan Coast
  • Anchorage in Japan

Address: Himeji 670-0940 Japan

Himeji Anch (Anchor) is a maritime location near the city of Himeji in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. Port and anchorage facilities such as Himeji provide vital services for maritime trade and transportation. Below are some key details relevant to Himeji Anchorage:

General Description:

  1. Location: Situated off the coast of Himeji, a city renowned for its historic castle, an iconic Japanese landmark. The anchorage area is strategically important due to its proximity to key industrial and commercial hubs in the Kinki Region of Japan.

  2. Coordinates: The geographical coordinates are approximately 34°47'N latitude and 134°41'E longitude. Mariners should confirm precise anchorage positions through up-to-date navigational charts.

Port Facilities and Specifications:

  1. Anchorage Specifics:

    • Depth: Anchorage depth is generally adequate for mid-sized vessels. Specific depths can range between 12 to 20 meters, although it’s crucial for shipmasters to consult nautical charts for exact and current depth information.
    • Holding Ground: Typically consists of firm mud, offering good holding conditions for anchoring.
  2. Port Infrastructure:

    • Terminals & Berths: The port of Himeji boasts several terminals catering to various types of cargo. These include bulk, container, and general cargo terminals.
    • Mooring Facilities: While the anchorage area handles vessels awaiting berth allocation, the port itself is equipped with multiple mooring buoys and quays.
  3. Navigational Aids:

    • Lights and Buoys: The anchorage and port area are well-marked with navigational aids including lights and buoys to assist in safe navigation.
    • Pilotage: Generally required for large vessels. Pilot boarding areas are designated and details should be verified with local port authorities.

Port Services:

  1. Cargo Handling: Efficient cargo handling services are available including cranes for loading and unloading containers and bulk materials.
  2. Bunkering and Supplies: Fuel bunkering services along with provisioning for fresh water and ship supplies.
  3. Repairs and Maintenance: Basic repair and maintenance facilities are available, with more extensive services accessible in nearby ports.
  4. Customs and Immigration: Standard customs and immigration services are available, ensuring compliance with international and local regulations.


  1. Transport Links: Himeji is well-connected by rail and road, facilitating inland transport of goods. The proximity to the Sanyo Expressway and Himeji Station (part of the Sanyo Shinkansen line) aids in efficient logistics.
  2. Nearby Ports: Close proximity to other major ports in the region such as Kobe and Osaka, providing additional logistical benefits.

Environmental and Safety Regulations:

  • Strict adherence to environmental protocols is enforced to protect the local marine ecosystem.
  • Safety regulations align with international standards, ensuring secure operations for vessels docking and anchoring at Himeji.

Contact Information:

Maritime authorities providing up-to-date information and coordinating activities at Himeji Anchorage:

  • Port Authority: Himeji Port Office - part of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism.

Mariners planning to utilize Himeji Anchorage are advised to communicate in advance with local port authorities to confirm specific details and to ensure compliance with all navigational, safety, and environmental regulations.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
OLIVE MARU NO.5 Passenger SHIKAMA<=>FUKUDA 03:59:39
KEIO CORAL Cargo > JP HIM 02:57:50
SAYURI MARU Tanker >JP KNM R 01:25:23
OLIVE MARU NO.3 Passenger SHIKAMA<=>FUKUDA 9/21/2024
KOTOKU MARU Tanker JP ANE OFF 9/20/2024
CALMA Cargo 9/19/2024
NIKKOMARU NO.7 Tanker >JP HIM OFF 9/17/2024
TOKOWAKA Cargo 4 >JP HIM 9/17/2024
BLUE KINGDOM Tanker JP-HIM-ABO/W-N 9/16/2024
ISUZU Cargo >JP_KNM_OFF 9/15/2024
SHUOUMARU Tanker JP HIM OFF 9/15/2024
KAISEN MARU Cargo JP KNM N OFF 9/15/2024
MIHOMARU NO8 Cargo >JP HIM 9/14/2024
SHINKOU MARU NO.18 Cargo 9/14/2024
ZHEN XIN Cargo JP SKM OFF 9/14/2024
PACIFIC HORSE Cargo JP HRH 9/13/2024
TARUMI Cargo JP OTK OFF 9/13/2024
WAKAUMI MARU Cargo JP MIZ TS 9/13/2024
HEISEIMARU Cargo 9/13/2024
EIHO MARU NO.65 Tanker >JP HIM OFF 9/13/2024
SHUNYO MARU NO.3 Tanker >JP HIM 9/13/2024
TATUTA MARU Towing/Tug 9/12/2024
SEASON TRADER Cargo JP HRH 9/12/2024
KAIKEIMARU Cargo 9/12/2024

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