• Latitude: 38.9801
  • Longitude: 141.657
  • Japan Coast
  • Port in Japan

Address: Ofunato Iwate 022-0000 Japan

Marine Port Description and Specifications: HIROTA Port in Japan


  • Country: Japan
  • Region: Tohoku
  • Prefecture: Iwate Prefecture
  • Coordinates: Approximately 39.0000° N latitude and 141.7500° E longitude

Overview: Hirota Port is a minor but significant coastal facility in the Iwate Prefecture of Japan, serving primarily local and regional activities. It supports fishing, small-scale commercial trading, and other maritime operations with a focus on facilitating community and local economic needs.

Port Specifications:

  1. Harbor Type:

    • Coastal Port
  2. Draft and Depth:

    • The port can accommodate various sizes of vessels, primarily small to medium-sized fishing boats and cargo ships.
    • Typical depth ranges from 4 to 10 meters (13 to 33 feet), ensuring it can support local fishing and supply vessels.
  3. Facilities:

    • Wharves and Piers: Multiple berths suitable for small commercial vessels and fishing boats.
    • Cargo Handling Equipment: Basic equipment including cranes and forklifts for cargo handling, catering to local trade requirements.
    • Storage: Limited open yard storage and small warehousing facilities designed for the regional storage needs.
    • Fuel Supply: Basic fuel bunkering services available for local and regional vessels.
  4. Navigation and Access:

    • Well-marked navigation channels for safe entry and exit, catering to the weather conditions typically experienced in this region.
    • Port operations typically involve short-haul shipping routes within Japan's coastal waters.
  5. Operational Considerations:

    • Primarily serves regional fishing fleets and local coastal traders.
    • Port authorities focused on maintaining safety and efficiency standards to support community and economic activities.
  6. Support Services:

    • Marine repair facilities for small vessels.
    • Basic amenities for crew and port workers.
    • Administrative services provided by local port authorities to facilitate smooth operations.

Economic and Social Impact: Hirota Port plays a crucial role in supporting the local economy of Rikuzentakata city and surrounding areas, particularly through the fishing industry and regional trade. It acts as a hub for local fishermen and small traders, contributing to community sustenance and regional development.

Environmental Considerations: Efforts are made to minimize the environmental impact by implementing eco-friendly practices and compliance with regulations governing port operations and waste management to preserve marine and coastal ecosystems.

Contact Information: For more detailed, operational updates and booking inquiries, it is advisable to contact the local port authority or Hirota Port administration directly.

Tourism and Cultural Significance: While not a major tourist attraction, the port is part of the picturesque coastal region of Iwate, known for its natural beauty and cultural heritage, contributing to the overall charm and appeal of the area.

Note: The information provided is a generic description based on common port characteristics in similar Japanese regions and should be verified with actual port data sources or local maritime authorities.

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