• Latitude: 34.2928
  • Longitude: 129.229
  • North China
  • Port in Japan

Address: Imazato Osaka Prefecture Japan


Marine Port Description and Specifications: IMAZATO, Japan


  • Coordinates: Imazato Port is located on the island of Shikoku, in the southern part of Japan. Specifically, it is situated in the city of Imabari within Ehime Prefecture.
  • Proximity: It is strategically located in the Seto Inland Sea, providing excellent access to both domestic and international shipping routes.

Port Infrastructure:

  • Harbor Type: Coastal Breakwater Harbor. Imazato Port is protected by robust breakwaters, ensuring calm and safe docking conditions.
  • Wharves and Berths: The port is equipped with multiple wharves and berths to accommodate a variety of vessels, including container ships, bulk carriers, and fishing vessels.
  • Depth: The harbor depth varies, but it generally maintains a depth of around 10 to 15 meters, suitable for accommodating medium to large-sized vessels.
  • Cargo Handling Facilities: Equipped with cranes, container handling equipment, and ample warehouse space to facilitate efficient cargo operations.

Facilities and Services:

  • Storage: The port offers extensive storage facilities, including covered warehouses and open storage yards, catering to diverse cargo types such as containers, bulk goods, and general cargo.
  • Connectivity: Excellent transport links connect the port to major highways and rail lines, facilitating seamless cargo movement to and from the interior regions of Shikoku and beyond.
  • Customs and Immigration: Full customs and immigration facilities available on-site, ensuring efficient processing of international cargo and personnel.
  • Bunkering and Ship Supplies: Comprehensive bunkering services are available, along with provisions for fresh water, and ship supplies, making it a convenient stop for vessels on long voyages.
  • Repair and Maintenance: Basic ship repair and maintenance services are available, with more specialized services provided at nearby larger ports if needed.

Operational Details:

  • Operating Hours: The port operates 24/7, ensuring round-the-clock service for arriving and departing vessels.
  • Navigation Aids: Modern navigation aids, including lighthouses, buoys, and electronic navigation systems, assist in safe entry and departure from the port.
  • Maritime Safety: The port adheres to stringent safety regulations and employs advanced monitoring systems to ensure the safety and security of vessels and cargo.

Environmental Considerations:

  • Eco-Friendly Practices: Imazato Port is committed to sustainable operations, implementing measures to reduce pollution, manage waste, and protect the marine environment.
  • Disaster Preparedness: The port is equipped with emergency response plans and facilities to handle natural disasters, such as earthquakes and tsunamis, common in the region.

Strategic Importance:

  • Economic Role: Imazato Port plays a crucial role in the regional economy, facilitating trade and commerce in the Seto Inland Sea area and the wider Japanese market.
  • Gateway to Shikoku: It serves as a key logistics hub for Shikoku, connecting the island with major domestic and international markets.

Conclusion: Imazato Port is a well-equipped, strategically located maritime facility vital for trade and commerce in Japan. Its modern infrastructure, comprehensive services, and commitment to sustainability make it a key player in the maritime industry.

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