• Latitude: 34.7735
  • Longitude: 139.045
  • Japan Coast
  • Port in Japan

Address: Higashiizu, Shizuoka Shizuoka Prefecture Japan

Marine Port: Inatori, Japan

Overview: Inatori Port is a coastal port located in the town of Inatori, which is part of the city of Higashiizu on the eastern coast of the Izu Peninsula in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. This port primarily serves the fishing industry and local tourism, given its picturesque landscape and the town's rich cultural heritage.

Port Specifications:

  1. Location:

    • Geographical Coordinates: Approximately 34°44'N latitude and 139°04'E longitude.
    • Region: Situated in the Chubu region of Japan, lying on the eastern side of the Izu Peninsula.
  2. Harbor Characteristics:

    • Type: Coastal fishing and general-purpose harbor.
    • Depth: Varies with specific sections for smaller fishing vessels typically having a depth of around 5 to 10 meters.
  3. Facilities and Infrastructure:

    • Berths: Several berthing areas primarily designed for fishing boats and smaller commercial vessels.
    • Mooring Facilities: Equipped with mooring buoys and piers for docking.
    • Breakwaters: Constructed to protect the harbor from harsh sea conditions, ensuring safe docking and operations.
  4. Services:

    • Fish Processing: Facilities for offloading and processing catches from fishing vessels.
    • Storage: Cold storage facilities for preserving seafood catches.
    • Marine Supplies: Availability of fuel, fresh water, and fishing gear for maritime operations.
    • Repair Services: Basic maintenance and repair services for boats and fishing equipment.
  5. Navigation:

    • Channel: Though there is no major deep-water channel, the approach is well-marked and maintained for local vessels.
    • Aids to Navigation: Lighthouses and navigational markers to assist incoming vessels, particularly at night.
  6. Connectivity:

    • Road Access: Well-connected through local roads to broader state highways.
    • Public Transport: Accessibility through regional bus services and nearby railway stations.
  7. Economic Activity:

    • Fishing: The dominant activity, involving various types of local seafood, particularly seasonal fish and shellfish.
    • Tourism: Visitors come to experience the local hot springs (onsen), scenic beauty, and traditional festivals (like the Inatori Hina Doll Festival).
  8. Environmental and Regulatory:

    • Environmental Protection: Measures in place to protect the coastal marine environment from pollution and overfishing.
    • Regulatory Compliance: Adherence to Japanese maritime regulations and local ordinances for sustainable operations.

Additional Notes:

  • Inatori Port is less focused on international shipping and more on local and regional maritime activities.
  • It is an important cultural spot contributing to the local economy through its unique blend of fishing and tourism.
  • The port often supports local festivals and events, becoming a hub of activity during peak seasons.

Overall, Inatori Port exemplifies a traditional Japanese fishing harbor, sustaining local livelihoods while embracing the natural beauty and tourist attractions of the Izu Peninsula.

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