• Latitude: 62.127
  • Longitude: -6.75539
  • UK Coast & Atlantic
  • Port in Faroe Islands

Address: Faroe Islands

Innan Glyvur Port Overview


  • Coordinates: Lat 62° 6' N, Long 6° 43' W
  • Town: Innan Glyvur
  • Island: Eysturoy
  • Country: Faroe Islands

General Information:

The port of Innan Glyvur is a smaller port in the Faroe Islands located on the island of Eysturoy. The port serves the local community and supports fishing activities, small cargo operations, and potentially some tourism.

Port Facilities:

Harbor Characteristics:

  • Type: Natural Harbor
  • Navigation: Approach through the narrow fjord
  • Tides: Typical tidal range is limited and manageable
  • Water Depths:
    • Entrance - varies, ensure up-to-date nautical charts are referenced
    • Alongside Berths - typically shallow, suitable for smaller vessels
  • Weather Considerations: North Atlantic weather can be severe, prone to strong winds and swells, especially in winter months.


  • Berthing Facilities:
    • Limited berths available primarily for fishing boats and small cargo ships
    • Mooring is available but space is limited
  • Storage:
    • Minimal storage facilities
    • Open storage areas are limited, indoor storage capabilities are likely restricted to small goods
  • Services:
    • Basic services for fishing vessels may include refueling and provisioning
    • Repairs and maintenance services are generally basic, more complex services may require travel to larger ports nearby

Security and Safety:

  • Security:
    • Local security measures in place but limited sophistication
    • Minimal customs and immigration facilities; often not manned full-time
  • Safety:
    • Safety services are basic, emergency response capabilities are limited and rely on local resources
    • Ships should ensure they have sufficient safety equipment and local contact details before arriving

Key Considerations:


  • Transport Links: Road connections to the rest of Eysturoy and the Faroe Islands road network
  • Proximity to Services:
    • Basic amenities available in the village
    • For more comprehensive services, a trip to larger towns or ports like Tórshavn may be necessary

Operational Notes:

  • Permits and Regulations: Vessels should check relevant permits and regulations with Faroe Islands maritime authorities
  • Local Knowledge: Mariners not familiar with the area are advised to seek local knowledge due to challenging navigation conditions

Contact Information:

  • Port Authority: (Local Authority or Shipping Agent details should be obtained)
  • Emergency Services: Local contact number for emergency services (Fire, Medical, Police) should be noted prior to arrival


Innan Glyvur port in the Faroe Islands is a small, primarily fishing-focused port located on Eysturoy. It offers basic port facilities suitable for small vessels and fishing boats. Mariners should prepare adequately for limited services and potentially challenging weather conditions.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
TASIILAQ Fishing FISHING 9/21/2024

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