• Latitude: 34.2465
  • Longitude: 133.147
  • Japan Coast
  • Port in Japan

Address: Kamijima Ehime 794-2427 Japan

Phone number: +81-899-75-2075

Web-site: http://www.pref.ehime.jp/h20400/ehimenoinfomation/iwa-info1.html


Iwagi Port is located on Iwagi Island, which is part of the Seto Inland Sea. Iwagi Island belongs to the Ochi District in Ehime Prefecture, Japan. It resides geographically between the larger islands of Honshu and Shikoku, on the western side of the Inland Sea.

Key Characteristics

  1. Primary Function: Iwagi Port primarily serves local and regional maritime activities, which include:

    • Ferry Services: Regular ferry services connect Iwagi to Honshu and Shikoku, facilitating passenger and vehicle transportation.
    • Fishing Industry: Iwagi Island, and consequently its port, has a thriving fishing industry, specializing in local seafood.
    • Small Cargo Handling: While it is not a major commercial port by international standards, it handles a variety of smaller cargo to support local industries and communities.
  2. Facilities:

    • Berths: The port has multiple berths, mainly supporting ferries and smaller fishing vessels.
    • Storage: Limited warehousing facilities for temporary storage of goods and fishing catches.
    • Basic Amenities: Restrooms, waiting areas, and minor maintenance facilities are available.
  3. Navigation and Access:

    • Approaches: The port can be approached through various channels in the Seto Inland Sea, notably from the north (Honshu side) and south (Shikoku side).
    • Depths: The port isn’t very deep, making it suitable for smaller vessels but not for large commercial ships or tankers.
    • Navigation Aids: Buoys, beacons, and lighthouses in the surrounding waters assist in navigation, though advanced navigational systems are not heavily required for such a small port.
  4. Traffic:

    • Passenger Traffic: Significant daily traffic due to ferries ferrying passengers between the main islands and Iwagi.
    • Freight Traffic: Modest freight traffic mostly centered around local goods and seafood products.
  5. Port Management:

    • Local Governance: Operated and maintained by local government authorities, ensuring the port serves the regional community effectively.
    • Sustainability: Efforts are typically made to balance economic activity with environmental sustainability, given the natural beauty and marine biodiversity of the Seto Inland Sea.
  6. Economic Impact:

    • Local Importance: The port is vital for the transportation of people and goods, providing a lifeline for Iwagi Island’s residents and businesses.
    • Tourism: The picturesque setting of the island and the surrounding inland sea attract tourists, which in turn supports local amenities and businesses.


Though not a large international freight port, Iwagi Port plays a crucial role in local transportation, fishing, and supporting the island’s economy. Its strategic location in the Seto Inland Sea also makes it a charming spot for tourists and an essential connection point between Honshu and Shikoku. Ongoing management efforts ensure the port continues to serve its community while preserving the natural environment.

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