• Latitude: 61.8139
  • Longitude: 25.2558
  • Baltic Sea
  • Marina in Finland

Address: Finland

Marina Jämsä Hulkkionlahti Overview:


  • Situated in Jämsä, a town in the Central Finland region, on the shores of Lake Päijänne.

General Description:

  • Marina Jämsä Hulkkionlahti is a popular spot for local and visiting boating enthusiasts, offering access to one of Finland's largest lakes. Known for its picturesque setting and tranquil waters, it's a perfect spot for both recreational boating and social gatherings.

Key Features & Amenities:

  1. Docking & Mooring:

    • Multiple berths suitable for various sizes of boats.
    • Secure mooring facilities equipped with modern floating docks.
  2. Fueling Station:

    • Available for boats to refuel, ensuring long trips across Lake Päijänne are hassle-free.
  3. Utilities:

    • Electricity and fresh water hookups at docking locations.
    • Waste disposal and recycling facilities to maintain environmental standards.
  4. Service & Maintenance:

    • On-site repair and maintenance services for routine check-ups or emergency repairs.
    • Winter storage and lifting facilities, including dry docking.
  5. Amenities:

    • A cozy marina office equipped with essential supplies and information.
    • Shower and toilet facilities for marina guests.
    • Picnic areas and barbecue spots for enjoying the scenic beauty.
  6. Safety:

    • Marina staffed by personnel trained in marine safety and first aid.
    • Surveillance and security systems to safeguard boats and belongings.
  7. Additional Services:

    • Boat rental services for those who may not own a vessel but still want to enjoy the lake.
    • Sailing and boating courses periodically offered for skill enhancement and certifications.
    • On-site cafe or small restaurant providing refreshments.


  • Conveniently located with road access, making it easy for those driving to reach the marina.
  • Adequate parking facilities for vehicles and trailers.

Environmental Initiatives:

  • Marina Jämsä Hulkkionlahti is committed to sustainable practices:
    • Emphasis on reducing pollutants with proper waste management.
    • Encouragement of eco-friendly boating practices among patrons.

Nearby Attractions:

  • Close proximity to the natural beauty of Central Finland, with forests and outdoor activities.
  • Local tourist attractions in the town of Jämsä, including cultural and historical sites.

Operational Information:

  • Operating season typically from spring to autumn, depending on ice conditions.
  • Booking and inquiries handled through the marina office, with the possibility for advance reservations for dock space.

Contact Information:

  • It is advisable to contact the marina directly through their official communication channels for detailed information, bookings, and current conditions.

Overall, Marina Jämsä Hulkkionlahti provides a comprehensive range of services and facilities ensuring a pleasant and convenient experience for boaters exploring the scenic Lake Päijänne region.

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