• Latitude: 34.4568
  • Longitude: 135.352
  • Japan Coast
  • Port in Japan

Address: Kaizuka Osaka Prefecture Japan

Port Name: Kaizuka Port

Location: Kaizuka Port is located in Kaizuka City, part of the Osaka Prefecture in Japan. The port is situated on the eastern coast of Osaka Bay, a key area for maritime activities in Japan.

Coordinates: Approximately 34.4485° N latitude and 135.3661° E longitude.

Port Type:

  • Coastal Port

Primary Use:

  • Commercial
  • Fishing
  • Some recreational activities

Facilities and Infrastructure:

  • Berths: Several berths suitable for small to medium-sized vessels.
  • Warehousing: Limited warehousing facilities for short-term storage of goods. Facilities may cater more towards fishing activities.
  • Fueling Stations: Available for a variety of vessels, including fishing boats and small commercial ships.
  • Fish Market: The port has a local fish market which supports the fishing community.

Cargo Handled:

  • Marine products like fish and other seafood primarily.
  • Some commercial cargo, but not a significant industrial port.

Draft Depth:

  • Varies significantly, with deeper areas generally capable of handling vessels with a draft of up to approximately 5-6 meters.

Auxiliary Services:

  • Ship repair services may be limited but are generally available for smaller crafts.
  • Pilotage services may not be extensive due to the port's smaller scale.
  • Limited port security and customs facilities.


  • Road Access: Adequate road connections to inland Kaizuka and surrounding regions.
  • Rail Access: Not directly available at the port, but nearby rail services can be utilized for goods transportation.
  • Utilities: Basic utilities such as water, electricity, and communication services are available.

Operational Hours:

  • Typically operates within conventional business hours, but hours may vary, especially for fishing activities.


  • Subject to Japanese maritime and port regulations, including environmental protection standards.

Other Information:

  • While not a major commercial hub, Kaizuka Port plays an essential local role in supporting the fishing industry and smaller-scale commercial operations.
  • The area around the port is known for its scenic beauty and traditional Japanese culture.

Port Authorities:

  • Local port management team under the jurisdiction of the Osaka Prefecture Port Office.

Please note that specific details may vary, and it is advisable to contact the port authorities directly for the most up-to-date and detailed information tailored to specific operational needs.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
SEISEN MARU Cargo >JP HAN OFF 05:26:26
NO.13 AZUMA Cargo 05:10:19
MEISHO baycraft 03:15:42
TSURUGI Towing/Tug >JP FKY 9/19/2024
MIRAI Towing/Tug JP SBK 9/19/2024
KYOHEIMARU Fishing 9/19/2024
TAISEI MARU NO.2 Tanker >JP HAN 9/17/2024
HOURAIMARU NO30 Cargo 9/16/2024
45SANSHAMARU Cargo 9/16/2024
SUMIRIKIMARU NO.57 Cargo >JP OSA 3E 9/14/2024
NAGATOMARU NO38 Cargo JP HAN 9/13/2024
MICHIBIKI MARU Cargo >JP SSU 9/12/2024
HIEI Towing/Tug >JP SBK 9/12/2024
NARUTO MARU Towing/Tug JP HAN 9/12/2024
NUKUSHINA Cargo >JP ONX OFF 9/12/2024
AIMARU Tanker >JP HAN 9/11/2024
FUKAGAWA MARU Cargo 9/10/2024
MINATO MARU NO.27 Tanker 9/10/2024
SHINKYO MARU NO.3 Cargo >JP HAN 9/10/2024
EBISUMARU NO.10 Fishing 9/9/2024
IMAFUKU Cargo >JP HAN 9/7/2024
RYOUMEI MARU Tanker >JP HAN 9/6/2024
RYUSYOU Cargo >JP HAN 9/5/2024

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