• Latitude: 33.9527
  • Longitude: 131.846
  • Japan Coast
  • Port in Japan

Address: Kasado Island Yamaguchi Japan

Web-site: http://example.com/kasado-island-port

Kasado Island, located in Japan, plays host to the Kasado Port, a facility that serves the local maritime needs. While specific technical details about Kasado Port can sometimes be limited in public domains, here's a general description and specification based on typical port features and what is known about the area:

Kasado Port Overview


  • Geographical Position: Kasado Island is situated in the Seto Inland Sea, within Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan.
  • Key Coordinates: Approximately 34°00'N 131°46'E

Purpose and Usage

  • Function: Kasado Port supports regional maritime activities, including logistics, transportation, and possibly tourism.
  • Primary Users: Likely to be local fishing vessels, small commercial ships, and potentially passenger ferries catering to both local residents and tourists.

Facilities and Infrastructure

  • Berthing Facilities: The port may feature multiple docks of varying lengths suitable for small to medium-sized vessels.
  • Depth: Specific depth details (draft) might require direct inquiry from port authorities, but typical depths may range from 5 to 12 meters, accommodating standard coastal shipping vessels.
  • Mooring Availability: Likely includes bollards and mooring ropes to secure vessels.
  • Cargo Handling Equipment: The port may have basic cargo handling facilities, suitable for smaller shipments of goods.

Services Offered

  • Pilotage: As with many Japanese ports, pilotage services might be offered or required for foreign vessels.
  • Customs and Immigration: For international vessels, customs and immigration services are typically available, potentially not on-site but through nearby administrative offices.
  • Bunkering: Basic fuel and water resupply services likely available, although larger resupply needs might require procurement in larger nearby ports.
  • Repair and Maintenance: Limited facilities for minor repairs and maintenance; major ship repairs would need to be handled in larger shipyards.

Port Management and Governance

  • Port Authority: Managed by local governmental bodies within the Yamaguchi Prefecture, often including a dedicated port management office or section.
  • Regulations: Governed by Japanese maritime laws and regional regulations, adhering to national and international safety and environmental standards.

Additional Features

  • Access Routes: Connected via local roadways and possibly serviced by small ferry routes linking to nearby towns and cities.
  • Environmental Considerations: Given Japan’s stringent environmental regulations, the port likely has measures in place to prevent pollution and protect marine life.

Importance of Kasado Port

  • Economic Role: Supports regional economy through fishing, transportation, and possibly tourism.
  • Strategic Importance: Part of the network of smaller ports that collectively ensure comprehensive maritime infrastructure for Japan’s coastal areas.

Contact Information

For specific and detailed information, direct contact with the Kasado Port authority or local maritime administration is recommended.

Please note that for the most accurate and up-to-date information, it would be beneficial to reach out to local maritime authorities or consult nautical charts and official guidebooks related to Japanese ports.

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