• Latitude: 37.3671
  • Longitude: 138.538
  • Japan Coast
  • Port in Japan

Address: Kashiwazaki Niigata 945-0011 Japan

Kashiwazaki is a coastal city located in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. While the city's port facilities are not among the largest or most renowned in Japan compared to major ports like Yokohama, Tokyo, or Kobe, Kashiwazaki's port serves the local economy and provides essential maritime services.

Overview of Kashiwazaki Port


  • Coordinates: Approximately 37°22′N 138°34′E.
  • Geography: Situated along the Sea of Japan, it provides direct access to marine routes across this body of water.

Facilities and Services:

  • Cargo Handling: The port can handle general cargo, bulk cargo, and potentially some containerized freight, though it is not a major container port.
  • Fishing Industry: Kashiwazaki has some infrastructure to support the local fishing industry, which is vital for local food supply and economy.
  • Berths: The port would typically have a variety of berths designed for different kinds of vessels, including fishing boats, mid-sized cargo ships, and possibly vessels related to offshore industries.
  • Ship Services: Basic maritime services like refueling, repairs, and supply procurement are available to support visiting ships.

Key Specifications:

  • Draft Depth: Generally, the draft depth would accommodate local fishing and freight vessels, which typically do not require deep drafts as larger international cargo ships would.
  • Waterfront Infrastructure: Includes piers and quays suitable for the docking and servicing of ships operating in the regional and coastal waters.
  • Warehousing: Likely to have storage facilities for goods in transit, including refrigerated warehousing for fish and other perishable goods.
  • Transportation Links: Connectivity with local roadway and possibly railway networks to facilitate inland transportation of goods.
  • Customs and Immigration: Though smaller ports may not handle international traffic extensively, facilities for customs inspection and immigration services could be present to handle necessary protocols for fishing and freight vessels operating regionally.

Economic Impact:

  • Local Economy: Supports the local economy through fishing, small-scale trade, and industrial shipping.
  • Community Employment: Provides employment opportunities both directly through port operations and indirectly via support industries such as logistics, maintenance, and supplies.

Environmental and Safety Considerations:

  • Environmental Regulations: Adherence to national and international maritime environmental standards to minimize pollution and protect the coastal ecosystem.
  • Safety Measures: Implementation of safety and emergency protocols to handle situations such as oil spills, maritime accidents, and natural disasters.

Development and Modernization:

  • Investment Opportunities: Potential for modernization and expansion to increase capacity, improve facilities, and attract more diverse maritime traffic.
  • Technological Integration: Adoption of modern technologies to enhance port operations, including digital tracking systems, automated handling equipment, and improved communication systems between port authorities and shipping operators.


Kashiwazaki Port, while not a major international hub, is a crucial component of the local maritime infrastructure in Niigata Prefecture. Its role encompasses supporting the local economy through fishing, limited cargo handling, and providing essential maritime services to vessels operating in the Sea of Japan. Investments in modernization and expansion could further enhance its capacity and operational efficiency.

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