• Latitude: -38.0699
  • Longitude: 174.822
  • East Australia
  • Port in New Zealand

Address: Kawhia Waikato 3889 New Zealand

Kawhia Harbour, New Zealand - Port Description and Specifications

General Overview:

Kawhia Harbour is a natural harbour located on the west coast of New Zealand's North Island. It is nestled within the Waikato region and is one of the least commercially developed ports in New Zealand, known more for its scenic beauty and cultural significance than for its industrial output. The harbour is primarily used for recreational boating, fishing, and by local iwi (Māori tribes) for cultural activities.

Geographic Coordinates:

  • Latitude: 38.0651° S
  • Longitude: 174.8138° E

Harbour Specifications:

  1. Size and Structure:

    • Total Area: Approximately 68 km²
    • Maximum Length: 16 km
    • Width: Varies between 4-5 km
  2. Navigational Aspects:

    • Depth: Generally shallow with varying depths, appropriate primarily for small vessels.
    • Entrance: The entrance to the harbour can be tricky to navigate due to shifting sandbars and tides.
    • Tidal Range: Significant tidal variation, with up to 2.5 meters between high and low tide.
  3. Facilities:

    • Jetties and Piers: Basic jetty facilities are available, mostly catering to local fishing boats and recreational crafts.
    • Mooring: Limited mooring facilities are available, mostly unserviced.
    • Loading/Unloading: No significant cargo handling equipment; manual or small-scale operations dominate.
  4. Services:

    • Fuel: Limited provision for fueling small boats; no large-scale bunkering facilities.
    • Repairs and Maintenance: Basic facilities for small boat repair; no major dry dock or shipyard facilities.
    • Supplies: Basic provisioning available through local shops and supply stores.
  5. Connectivity:

    • Road Access: Connected via local roads to nearby towns. The nearest larger city is Hamilton, approximately 60 km to the east.
    • No Rail Access: No rail connectivity directly to the harbour.
    • Air Travel: The closest major airport is Hamilton Airport, which is about a 1.5-hour drive away.
  6. Weather and Environmental Conditions:

    • Climate: Mild coastal climate with moderate rainfall. Ocean swells can impact the approach to the harbour.
    • Prevailing Winds: Westerly winds are common, influencing harbour conditions.
    • Environmental Protection: The harbour is environmentally sensitive with measures in place to protect its natural ecosystems and cultural heritage sites.
  7. Cultural Significance:

    • The harbour is of high cultural importance to local iwi, particularly the Tainui people, who have inhabited the area for centuries.
  8. Tourism and Recreation:

    • Popular for activities like boating, fishing, birdwatching, and exploring the natural beauty of the region.
    • Nearby attractions include the unique black sand beaches and hot water springs at Ocean Beach.


Kawhia Harbour is characterized by its natural and cultural richness rather than commercial development. Suitable primarily for small-scale recreational and local fishing activities, it presents navigational challenges due to its shallow depths and shifting sandbars. Despite its limited facilities and infrastructure, it remains a cherished location for both its residents and visitors.

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