• Latitude: 34.0331
  • Longitude: 132.836
  • Japan Coast
  • Port in Japan

Address: Kikuma Ehime Japan

The port of Kikuma is located in the Ehime Prefecture on the island of Shikoku, Japan. This regional port plays a significant role in facilitating maritime transportation and industry in the area, although it is not one of Japan's primary international ports.

General Description:

  1. Location:

    • Latitude/Longitude: Approximately 34.1106° N, 132.7750° E
    • Nearby Cities: Close to the city of Imabari, which is well-known for its shipbuilding industry.
  2. Functions:

    • Primarily serves regional economic activities.
    • Handles cargo operations, both domestic and limited international shipping.
    • Supports local industries, including agriculture, fisheries, and manufacturing.
  3. Industrial Activities:

    • Proximity to one of Japan's significant shipbuilding areas.
    • Services related to maritime engineering and maintenance.
    • Storage and distribution for various goods.
  4. Accessibility:

    • Good road connections to surrounding areas, facilitating the transfer of goods.
    • Relatively accessible to smaller vessels due to its regional nature and infrastructure.


  1. Facilities:

    • Docks/Piers: Multiple berths tailored for various types of vessels.
    • Cranes and Handling Equipment: Availability of basic cargo handling equipment.
    • Warehousing: Limited warehousing space for transit goods.
    • Fueling Station: Basic provisions for refueling maritime vessels.
  2. Water Depth:

    • Generally, suitable for smaller to medium-sized vessels.
    • Exact depths would need to be confirmed but typically range around 5-10 meters in regional ports.
  3. Anchorage:

    • Designated anchorage areas available outside the port for waiting vessels.
    • Managed to facilitate safe and efficient docking.
  4. Navigation Aids:

    • The port is well-equipped with standard maritime navigation aids.
    • Control tower and radio communication systems in place to coordinate vessel movements.
  5. Security and Customs:

    • Basic security measures following regional maritime safety standards.
    • Customs facilities present for handling limited international cargo.
  6. Environmental Measures:

    • Compliance with national and local environmental regulations.
    • Waste disposal and pollution control measures in place to protect the maritime environment.

Additional Information:

  • Economic Impact:

    • Although regional, Kikuma Port supports local industries and contributes to the economic vitality of the Ehime Prefecture.
  • Future Developments:

    • May see enhancements in infrastructure to better serve industrial needs, especially in response to growing regional economic activities.

For precise details such as specific berth dimensions, ship size limits, and advanced equipment, direct communication with port authorities or consulting official port documentation is advised.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
NASAMI MARU Towing/Tug >JP KIK 9/6/2024
KOMATSU 7 Passenger 9/6/2024

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