• Latitude: 58.2327
  • Longitude: 6.53059
  • Norwegian Coast
  • Marina in Norway

Address: Kirkehavn, Hidra, Flekkefjord Norway

It appears there might be some confusion or error in the names “KIRKEHAMN KONGSHAVN,” as there are no well-known ports by this exact name in Norway. However, I can provide an overview of two distinct locations that may be relevant: Kirkehamn and Kongshavn, both of which are located in Norway but are separate entities.


Kirkehamn is a village located in the Flekkefjord municipality in Agder county, in the southern part of Norway. This area is known for its scenic landscapes and maritime activities but is not a major port in the sense of commercial shipping.

Marina and Facilities

  • Small Marina: Often used by local fishermen and recreational vessels.
  • Harbor Services: Limited; mainly serves local community needs.
  • Depth: Generally shallow waters suitable for smaller boats.
  • Provisions: Basic necessities available in the village.


Kongshavn refers more generally to a historic area or harbor used by local vessels, including an area in Oslo known as Kongshavn. However, this area is not a major commercial port either.


  • Historical Significance: Locations with the name Kongshavn often have historical maritime importance.
  • Local Boating: Typically used for smaller vessels, possibly with facilities for repairs and maintenance.
  • Depth/Facilities: Variable, often not equipped for large commercial ships.

Clarification on Norwegian Ports

For major commercial ports in Norway, you may be referring to:

  • Oslo Port: The largest cargo and passenger port in Norway.

    • Facilities: Container handling, Ro-Ro services, cruise terminals.
    • Specifications: Modern infrastructure, high capacity.
  • Port of Bergen: Another significant port with extensive facilities for freight and passenger services.

    • Facilities: Comprehensive cargo handling, fishing industry support, cruise services.
    • Specifications: Deepwater docks suitable for large vessels.
  • Port of Stavanger: Key port for oil, gas, and maritime industries.

    • Facilities: Oil terminal, container handling, cruise terminals.
    • Specifications: Advanced facilities for offshore services.


Kirkehamn is a small village with limited port activities, primarily for local and recreational use. Kongshavn may refer to historical or local harbor areas. For commercial port specifications, major Norwegian ports like Oslo, Bergen, and Stavanger are more relevant.

If you have more specific details or corrections regarding the name or location, feel free to provide them, and I can give you more precise information accordingly.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
APRIL Sailing 11:39:37
FIRST LADY Pleasure 05:31:29
HIDRASKJAER Fishing 04:23:53
OLAI Fishing 03:16:10
ELDAR Fishing 02:57:13
HAVSUND Fishing 95751244 01:55:52
PRINCESS Pleasure 9/21/2024
FREY Port 9/21/2024
JEANI Sailing 9/20/2024
ADELEN Cargo CH 16 FOR INFO 9/20/2024
SIMONE Sailing 9/20/2024
HOTTVIK Pleasure 9/19/2024
WHITE LADY Pleasure BERGEN 9/18/2024
LOS 127 Port PILOT_BOARDING AREA 9/17/2024
FFS ARGO Other 9/16/2024
TREVELYAN Sailing 9/14/2024
LAMANTIJN Pleasure 9/13/2024
M/S LISTER Other 9/13/2024
AKOYA Pleasure 9/12/2024
MOMO Sailing 9/12/2024
ELLA Fishing 9/12/2024
TROMY Pleasure 9/6/2024
MILLE Pleasure 9/6/2024

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