• Latitude: 36.1077
  • Longitude: 136.045
  • Japan Coast
  • Port in Japan

Address: Japan

Kitasugoucho, located in Japan, is a strategic maritime locality, often associated with various industrial, commercial, and logistical activities. Here's a detailed description and specification of the port and the surrounding area:


Geographical Location: Kitasugoucho is situated in Japan, with access to some of the key shipping lanes that facilitate trade and transportation in the region. The port's proximate location to several domestic and international trade routes makes it a pivotal point for maritime activities.

Port Type: It typically serves multiple purposes, including cargo handling, industrial usage, and potentially passenger services depending on its facilities and infrastructure.



  1. Berths and Terminals:

    • Multiple berths capable of accommodating various sizes of vessels ranging from medium-sized cargo ships to larger container vessels.
    • Specialized terminals for container handling, bulk cargo, and possibly liquid cargo (e.g., oil, chemicals).
  2. Depth and Draught:

    • The port usually has deep-water berths to accommodate large vessels. Typical draft depths could range between 10 to 15 meters, but this would depend on the specific quay or terminal within the port.
  3. Cargo Handling Equipment:

    • Gantry cranes, mobile cranes, and other lifting equipment for efficient cargo transfer.
    • Conveyor belts for bulk materials and pipelines for liquid cargo.
  4. Warehousing and Storage:

    • Adequate warehousing facilities, including climate-controlled storage for sensitive cargo.
    • Open storage areas for bulk and oversized cargo.

Support Services:

  1. Logistics and Transportation:

    • Connectivity to road and rail networks enabling seamless cargo movement to and from the port.
    • Freight forwarding services and on-site logistics companies facilitate smooth cargo distribution.
  2. Pilotage and Towage:

    • Availability of pilotage services essential for navigating large vessels into the port.
    • Tugboats and other assistive vessels ensuring safe docking procedures.
  3. Bunkering and Repairs:

    • Facilities for vessel refueling (bunkering) and routine ship maintenance/repair services.
  4. Customs and Security:

    • On-site customs offices for efficient clearance of imported and exported goods.
    • Advanced security systems including surveillance, access control, and patrolling to ensure the safety of goods and personnel.
  5. Environmental and Waste Management:

    • Compliance with international environmental standards.
    • Facilities for waste disposal and recycling to minimize environmental impact.

Administration and Governance:

  • Managed either by a public port authority or a combination of public-private partnership ensuring efficient operations and development.
  • Strategic planning and continuous upgrades aligning with global maritime trends and technological advancements.

Economic Importance:

  • Significant contributor to local and regional economies through trade, employment generation, and related business activities.
  • Serves as a hub for international trade, connecting Japan with various global markets.

This brief encapsulates the likely features and functions of the port associated with Kitasugoucho. For precise data, port-specific publications or direct inquiries to port authorities would provide the most accurate details.

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