• Latitude: 55.4593
  • Longitude: 12.2753
  • Baltic Sea
  • Anchorage in Denmark

Address: Koege Denmark

Køge Anchorage (KOEGE ANCH) - Denmark

Port Overview

Køge Anchorage (KOEGE ANCH) is situated in Køge Bay, which lies in the eastern part of Denmark, approximately south of Copenhagen. This anchorage serves as an important maritime location for ships awaiting berth assignments or conducting pre-arrival or departure formalities.


  • Geographical Coordinates: Approximately 55° 27.0' N latitude, 12° 11.0' E longitude.
  • Country: Denmark
  • Nearby City: Køge, a town renowned for its well-preserved medieval town center and significant historical landmarks.


  • Water Depth: Generally ranges between 10 to 20 meters, facilitating the accommodation of a variety of vessel sizes.
  • Bottom Holding Ground: Mostly sand with good holding characteristics, suitable for anchorage.
  • Tides: The tidal range is relatively modest, typically varying between 0.3 to 0.6 meters.
  • Weather Conditions: Subject to the North Sea's maritime climate with potential for windy conditions, particularly during the winter months. Summer weather is milder and more stable.

Facilities & Services

  • No direct port facilities: As an anchorage, it typically doesn't offer direct port services. However, vessels can arrange for provisions, bunkering, waste disposal, and other essential services through offshore suppliers or adjacent ports like Copenhagen or Køge Harbor.
  • Pilotage: Not compulsory for anchoring but recommended due to local navigational hazards and traffic density in the area.
  • Communication: VHF marine radio channels are active for coordination with local maritime authorities and service providers.

Navigation Information

  • Approach: Navigation into Køge Anchorage requires attention to local maritime charts and the latest navigational warnings. The approach from the north via the Øresund Strait or from the south via the Gedser Rev is frequently used.
  • Marine Traffic: Moderate to heavy, influenced significantly by Copenhagen's busy port activities and regional shipping lanes.


  • Navigation: Usually, no special restrictions aside from standard international and Danish maritime regulations. However, adherence to the latest Notices to Mariners and local advisories is essential.
  • Fishing Zones: Be aware of designated fishing zones as violating these could result in fines or other penalties.

Emergency Services

  • Coast Guard: Denmark's maritime safety is overseen by the Danish Maritime Authority and naval services, which can be contacted for assistance.
  • Search and Rescue: Coordinated through JRCC (Joint Rescue Coordination Centre) Denmark, equipped to handle various maritime emergencies.

Environmental Considerations

  • Protected Areas: The Baltic Sea, including Køge Bay, is subject to numerous environmental protections to preserve marine biodiversity. Ships must adhere to regulations regarding waste dumping, ballast water management, and emissions.


Køge Anchorage offers a strategic and relatively calm waiting area for vessels operating in or near the busy waters of eastern Denmark. While it lacks extensive port facilities, its role in marine transit and logistics is supported by nearby ports and high-quality anchoring conditions. It's crucial for vessel operators to remain informed on local regulations and maritime conditions for safe and compliant anchoring.

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