• Latitude: -4.61886
  • Longitude: 11.3557
  • West Africa
  • Offshore Terminal in Congo - Brazzaville

Address: Congo - Brazzaville

The Offshore Terminal KOMBI, located in Congo - Brazzaville, is an integral part of the country's oil and gas infrastructure. Here is a detailed description and specification of the facility:


  1. Location: The terminal is situated offshore in the coastal waters of Congo - Brazzaville. It serves as a critical point for the export of crude oil and other petroleum products produced in the region.

  2. Functional Purpose: The primary function of the KOMBI Offshore Terminal is to facilitate the transfer of hydrocarbon products from production platforms to tankers for export. It acts as a hub for the aggregation and temporary storage of crude oil before it is loaded onto export vessels.

  3. Ownership and Operation: The terminal is owned and operated by a consortium of oil companies, often including national and international oil and gas firms. These companies collaborate to ensure the smooth operation and maintenance of the terminal.

  4. Infrastructure: The terminal is equipped with various offshore structures, including Single Buoy Moorings (SBM), Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) units, and underwater pipelines. These facilities are designed to handle the logistics of oil transportation and storage efficiently.


  1. Berthing and Mooring Facilities:

    • Single Buoy Moorings (SBM): The terminal has one or more SBMs that provide a point for tankers to moor and load/offload oil. These buoys are anchored to the seabed and connected to the storage facilities and underwater pipelines.
    • FPSO Units: Floating Production Storage and Offloading units are typically present to process and store crude oil extracted from nearby offshore fields. These units can separate water and gas from the oil, perform preliminary processing, and store the oil until it is transferred to a tanker.
  2. Storage Capacity:

    • Tank Storage: The terminal has a substantial storage capacity, with tanks capable of holding large volumes of crude oil. The exact capacity can vary but is designed to accommodate the throughput demand of the region's oil production.
    • FPSO Storage: FPSOs themselves have significant storage capacity, often in the range of hundreds of thousands to several million barrels of oil.
  3. Loading/Offloading Rates:

    • The terminal is designed to handle high loading rates to ensure quick turnaround times for tankers. Typical loading rates can range from 5,000 to 20,000 barrels per hour, depending on the terminal’s capacity and the tankers involved.
  4. Pipeline Network:

    • The terminal is connected to offshore oil fields through a network of subsea pipelines. These pipelines transport crude oil from production sites to the terminal for export.
    • Diameter and Length: The pipelines are usually large-diameter (24-48 inches) to facilitate high-flow rates, and their lengths can span several kilometers from offshore platforms to the terminal site.
  5. Safety and Environmental Compliance:

    • The terminal is equipped with advanced safety and monitoring systems to prevent spills and ensure the safety of operations. This includes sensors, automatic shut-off valves, and emergency response plans.
    • Environmental protection measures are in place to minimize the impact on the marine ecosystem. These include oil spill containment booms, skimmers, and other spill response equipment.
  6. Support Vessels and Logistics:

    • The terminal has dedicated support vessels, including supply boats, tugboats, and response vessels, to assist with operations, maintenance, and emergency responses.
    • Helicopter support may also be provided for crew changes and emergency medical evacuations.

Overall, the Offshore Terminal KOMBI in Congo - Brazzaville is a sophisticated facility designed to ensure the efficient and safe handling of the region's crude oil exports. Its infrastructure and operational practices adhere to international standards to support global energy supply chains.

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