• Latitude: 52.6661
  • Longitude: 5.8991
  • UK Coast & Atlantic
  • Port in Netherlands

Address: Kraggenburg Flevoland 8317AA Netherlands

Phone number: +31-123-456-789


Kraggenburg is a village in the province of Flevoland, Netherlands. It's important to note that while Kraggenburg may have some facilities associated with water transport due to its location near major waterways, it is not typically recognized as a major marine port like Rotterdam or Amsterdam. However, here’s a general overview of what you might expect in terms of marine-related facilities and specifications in a small village like Kraggenburg:


  • Location: Kraggenburg is situated in the northeastern part of the province of Flevoland in the Netherlands. It is nestled near the Zwarte Meer, a lake that is part of the boundary between Flevoland and the province of Overijssel.
  • Significance: Mainly known for its agricultural activities and as a gateway to the scenic National Park Weerribben-Wieden.

Specifications (Hypothetical or Generalized for Small Dutch Waterways):

  • Waterways:

    • Lakes and Canals: Access to inland waterways like the Zwarte Meer, offering local boat traffic opportunities.
    • Connections: Possible access points to broader Dutch inland canal networks that can lead towards larger commercial hubs.
  • Facilities:

    • Docks/Piers: Small docking facilities may be available for local and pleasure boats.
    • Marinas: Potentially smaller marinas catering to recreational boaters rather than commercial shipping.
    • Services: Basic services such as fuel, minor repairs, and provisions for boaters.
  • Navigation:

    • Draft: Limited draft accommodating smaller vessels, typically not suitable for large commercial ships.
    • Channels: Navigational channels would be maintained primarily for local and regional traffic.
  • Commercial Activity:

    • Predominantly non-commercial with focus on leisure and possibly small-scale fishing.
    • Agricultural products might be transported via road rather than maritime routes due to the small scale.
  • Regulations:

    • Governance: Local water management falls under the jurisdiction of regional water boards (Waterschappen) in the Netherlands.
    • Environmental Protection: High standards for water quality and environmental protection.
  • Access and Transportation:

    • Road Access: Well-connected road infrastructure enabling easy access to larger towns and cities.
    • Proximity to Major Ports: Located relatively close to larger ports like Amsterdam and Rotterdam which handle significant commercial traffic.


Kraggenburg’s marine-related features are more recreational and local in nature rather than commercial or industrial. Facilities are likely geared towards smaller vessels with primary activities centered around leisure boating, local transportation, and fishing. For major maritime logistics or shipping needs, nearby larger Dutch ports would serve as key points of reference.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
ANNE SUUS Dredging MARKNESSE 9/19/2024
SAUDADE Pleasure 9/18/2024
VANQUISH Pleasure 9/16/2024
THIJGER Pleasure 9/16/2024
DE HOOP Pleasure NIJMEGEN 9/13/2024
SAKURA Pleasure 9/12/2024
NOMADOS Pleasure 9/4/2024
EASY GO Pleasure 8/29/2024
VAGOR Cargo 8/26/2024
ART Pleasure 8/24/2024
ACTIEF OF AMSTERDAM Pleasure ; 8/21/2024

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