• Latitude: 34.7777
  • Longitude: 137.172
  • Japan Coast
  • Port in Japan

Address: Japan

As of my most recent update, there doesn't appear to be a prominent Japanese marine port specifically named "KURAMAI." It's possible that the name might be a typographical error or a lesser-known dock or wharf rather than a major port. Japan has numerous significant ports such as Yokohama, Kobe, Osaka, and Nagoya, which serve as vital commercial hubs for the country.

However, if "KURAMAI" refers to a smaller or more specialized facility, information might be scarce or not readily available in common databases. Here are general aspects you might consider when describing a marine port's specifications and features:

General Port Description:

  1. Location: Specify the geographic coordinates or a nearby major city for context.
  2. Accessibility: Describe how ships can navigate to the port - nearby shipping lanes, channels, and any natural or man-made obstacles.
  3. Types of Cargo: Outline what types of cargo the port specializes in, whether it's containerized goods, bulk commodities, oil and gas, etc.
  4. Handling Capacity: Provide figures on annual throughput, be it in terms of TEUs (Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit) for container ports or tonnage for bulk commodities.
  5. Infrastructure: Describe the port facilities, including the number of berths, depth of the harbor, types of cranes and loading equipment, and storage facilities.
  6. Services Offered: Detail ancillary services like customs clearance, warehousing, ship repair, and logistics.
  7. Transport Links: Note connections to railways, highways, and airports for onward cargo distribution.
  8. Regulations and Compliance: Mention adherence to international maritime standards and any unique regional regulations.

Example Specification Template:

  1. Name: Kuramai Port (if it exists or subject to correction)
  2. Location: Provide latitude, longitude, and nearest city.
  3. Accessibility: Describe approach channels, pilotage requirements, and navigational aids.
  4. Types of Cargo: Categories such as general cargo, liquid bulk, dry bulk, containers.
  5. Handling Capacity: Annual throughput in TEUs, metric tons, number of vessels accommodated.
  6. Infrastructure:
    • Berths: Number, capacity, length, and depth.
    • Cranes and Equipment: Types, capacities.
    • Storage: Warehouses, refrigerated storage, open yards.
  7. Services:
    • Customs: Inspection offices, expedited service options.
    • Repair and Maintenance: Dry docks, repair facilities.
    • Logistics: On-site logistics providers, transport services.
  8. Transport Links:
    • Road: Major highways connected.
    • Rail: Proximity to rail terminals or lines.
    • Air: Distance to the nearest airport.

For detailed and accurate data, you would need to consult specific maritime databases, contact port authorities, or review logistics and shipping reports specific to Japan. If you have any more specific information or another query, I would be happy to help!

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