• Latitude: 9.18301
  • Longitude: -81.8863
  • East Coast Central America
  • Port in Panama

Address: Kusapín Bocas del Toro Panama

Kusapin is a small and relatively undeveloped area located on the Caribbean coast of Panama within the Comarca Ngäbe-Buglé region. The region is known for its cultural richness, natural beauty, and traditional way of life of the indigenous Ngäbe-Buglé people, but it's important to note that Kusapin doesn't have a significant marine port infrastructure like Panama City or Colón.


  • Location: Caribbean Coast, Comarca Ngäbe-Buglé, Panama
  • Geographic Coordinates: Approximately 8.9546° N latitude, 81.7244° W longitude
  • Accessibility: Limited due to remote and undeveloped nature

Features and Specifications:

  1. Port Type: Small, informal, and undeveloped port area mainly used by local fishermen and small boats.
  2. Harbor Type: Natural harbor with no significant man-made infrastructure.
  3. Draft Depth: Shallow waters suitable for small boats and local vessels.
  4. Facilities:
    • Mooring: Basic mooring facilities; mainly anchorages.
    • Cargo Handling: Manual handling by local residents, no heavy machinery or cranes.
    • Storage: Limited to no storage facilities; goods are typically moved immediately upon arrival.
    • Fueling: No dedicated fuel stations for marine vessels; fuel must be brought in small quantities.
  5. Services:
    • Navigation Aids: Limited to no navigation aids.
    • Customs and Immigration: None; the area is primarily a local, non-commercial port.
    • Repairs: No formal repair facilities; basic repairs may be done by local craftsmen.
  6. Connectivity:
    • Road Access: Limited and often challenging due to the rugged terrain and lack of developed infrastructure.
    • Communication: Basic communication services; likely dependent on satellite phones or limited cellular service.


  • Primarily used by indigenous communities for fishing and small-scale transport.
  • Occasionally used for the transport of goods and supplies to the local population.
  • Limited tourism activities might occur, focusing on eco-tourism and cultural experiences.


  • Environmental Sensitivity: High; the region is ecologically sensitive and home to diverse flora and fauna.
  • Development Potential: Low to moderate, constrained by legal and environmental protections, and the need to preserve indigenous culture.
  • Economic Activities: Subsistence fishing, agriculture, and handicrafts; potential for small-scale eco-tourism.


Kusapin is not a commercial marine port but rather a local, community-centered harbor area that supports the immediate needs of its residents. Any potential development would need to consider the delicate balance between economic growth and the preservation of the natural and cultural heritage of the region.

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