• Latitude: 19.7171
  • Longitude: -96.4014
  • Gulf of Mexico
  • Port in Mexico

Address: Mexico

Laguna Verde is a marine facility in Mexico primarily known for housing the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant, the only nuclear power plant in Mexico, situated in Alto Lucero, Veracruz. Here are descriptions and specifications relevant to the marine port area associated with Laguna Verde:


  • Coordinates: Latitude: 19.7366° N, Longitude: 96.4044° W
  • Region: Located in the Gulf of Mexico within the state of Veracruz, near the municipalities of Alto Lucero and Palma Sola.

Port Usage

  • Primary Use: The port at Laguna Verde is not a commercial port but serves specific operational needs related to the maintenance and operation of the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant.
  • Functionality: Facilitates the import and export of heavy equipment, nuclear fuel, and other materials crucial for the operation and upkeep of the power plant.


  • Berthing Facilities: Limited berthing facilities primarily designed for special vessels transporting nuclear materials and equipment.
  • Docks/Piers: Designed to handle shipments that are uniquely required for nuclear facility operations. Details on the number and size of docks/piers might be restricted due to security reasons.
  • Cargo Handling: Specialized equipment for handling heavy and potentially hazardous materials, such as nuclear fuel.


  • High Security: Given the nature of the cargo and operations, the port area is subjected to stringent security protocols, including restricted access, surveillance, and specialized security personnel.
  • Safety Measures: Comprehensive measures in place to handle radiological safety and emergency response, ensuring the safety and protection of both the facility and the surrounding environment.

Environmental Considerations

  • Environmental Protection: The facility operates under strict regulations to prevent environmental contamination, particularly given its coastal and nuclear operations.
  • Monitoring: Regular environmental monitoring is conducted to ensure compliance with national and international environmental standards.

Navigation and Access

  • Navigation: Access to the port likely requires coordination with Mexican authorities due to the sensitive nature of the cargo and operations.
  • Pilotage and Towage: Specialized pilotage and towage services may be required to navigate vessels safely into and out of the port area.

Operational Constraints

  • Limited Public Access: The port is not accessible for general commercial shipping or recreational purposes, reflecting its specialized role supporting the nuclear power plant.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Operations are subject to both domestic regulations (e.g., the National Commission on Nuclear Safety and Safeguards) and international protocols regarding handling and transport of nuclear materials.

Nearby Facilities

  • Nuclear Power Plant: The Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant comprises two boiling water reactors with a combined capacity of approximately 1,640 MW, contributing significantly to Mexico’s electricity supply.
  • Infrastructure Support: Includes administrative buildings, safety and emergency response infrastructure, maintenance workshops, and storage areas specific to nuclear plant operations.

Contact Information

  • Management: The nuclear power plant and associated marine facility are managed by the Federal Electricity Commission (Comisión Federal de Electricidad, CFE) of Mexico.
  • Inquiries: Any inquiries regarding the port facilities should be directed to the operations management of the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant under the CFE.

Please note that detailed operational specifics and restricted information on Laguna Verde’s marine port may not be publicly available or disseminated due to security and regulatory measures.

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