• Latitude: 65.5908
  • Longitude: -171.005
  • CIS Pacific
  • Port in Russia

Address: Lavrentiya Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 689300 Russia

Lavrentiya Marine Port - Overview and Specifications

General Overview: Lavrentiya is a small, remote sea port located in Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, northeastern Russia. Due to its geographic position, the port experiences harsh Arctic climates, with ice-covered waters for several months of the year. Despite its challenging environment, Lavrentiya serves as an essential hub for regional supply and transport.

Geographical Location:

  • Coordinates: Approximately 65° 35' N latitude and 171° 05' W longitude.
  • Position: The port is situated on the southern coast of the Chukchi Peninsula, facing the Bering Sea.


  • Sea Connectivity: Lavrentiya is accessible by sea mainly during the ice-free months, typically from late June to early October. Icebreakers may assist in extending the navigable season.
  • Air Connectivity: The region has limited but crucial air transport connections, especially during the non-navigable months.

Port Infrastructure:

  • Berths and Piers: The port contains basic docking facilities suitable for small to medium-sized vessels. Given its remote nature, facilities are relatively modest, prioritizing utility over scale.
  • Cargo Handling: The port is equipped for handling mixed cargo, including provisions, construction materials, and other essential goods necessary for local settlements.
  • Support Services: Basic support services such as storage, minor repair facilities, and refueling are available; however, they are limited compared to larger commercial ports.

Operational Details:

  • Navigation and Piloting: Vessels typically require ice pilots or local navigation experts familiar with the challenging conditions in the region.
  • Communication: Reliable communication systems for coordinating with the port authorities, including VHF, are in place.
  • Customs and Immigration: Due to its remote location, the port has limited customs and immigration facilities, mainly catering to domestic traffic and local needs.

Environmental Conditions:

  • Climatic Conditions: The port experiences severe Arctic weather, with temperatures dropping significantly in winter. Ice coverage is extensive from late autumn to spring.
  • Tidal Information: Detailed tidal information is essential for safe navigation, as the region can experience significant tidal fluctuations.

Economic and Strategic Importance:

  • Supply Chain Role: Lavrentiya serves as a critical supply link for the Chukotka region, supporting local communities and industries.
  • Strategic Significance: The port plays a role in Russia's broader Arctic strategy, contributing to the presence and stability in the region.

Future Developments:

  • Upgrades and Expansion: Any upgrades to the infrastructure would focus on enhancing resilience to climatic conditions and improving logistic capabilities.
  • Sustainability Efforts: Initiatives to mitigate environmental impact and support sustainable operations are increasingly significant, especially in sensitive Arctic ecosystems.


Lavrentiya Marine Port, while limited in scale and infrastructure, is a vital component for maintaining the regional supply chain in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. Its operation is heavily influenced by Arctic climatic conditions, necessitating specialized navigation and operational strategies. The port's development aligns with Russia's broader goals of enhancing its Arctic presence and supporting remote communities.

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