• Latitude: 59.5836
  • Longitude: 25.7019
  • Baltic Sea
  • Port in Estonia

Address: Loksa Harju County Estonia

Phone number: +372

Web-site: http://www.ports.com/estonia/port-of-loksa

Marine Port Description and Specification: Loksa, Estonia


  • Location: Loksa, a town in Harju County, northern Estonia.
  • Coordinates: Approximately 59.5747° N latitude and 25.7211° E longitude.

General Information:

  • Country: Estonia
  • County: Harju County
  • Body of Water: The port is situated on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, part of the Baltic Sea.

Functions and Capabilities:

  • Port Type: Medium-sized port with facilities for both cargo handling and shipbuilding/repair.
  • Primary Use: The Loksa port is predominantly used for industrial purposes, particularly serving the local shipbuilding and repair industry.
  • Port Authority: Governed by local municipal authorities and possibly private companies involved in shipbuilding and repairs.

Facilities and Infrastructure:

  • Berths: Multiple berths suitable for various types of vessels. Specific details such as the number of berths, max vessel size, and draft are essential for operational planning.
  • Cargo Handling: Equipped to handle diverse types of cargo, though the specifics (e.g., container, bulk cargo, general cargo) would depend on the current industrial demands.
  • Shipbuilding/Repair Facilities: Features shipyards with dry docks, cranes, and equipment necessary for shipbuilding and ship repair activities.

Access and Navigation:

  • Entrance: The approach channel may have specific depth limitations. Regular dredging ensures safe passage for vessels within permissible drafts.
  • Pilotage: Pilotage may be compulsory for specific vessel sizes/types requiring detailed local navigational expertise.
  • Tide and Currents: Understandable tide levels and currents which affect mooring and cargo handling operations.

Operational Considerations:

  • Operational Hours: Typically operates year-round but might have specific working hours depending on the season and local regulations.
  • Customs and Immigration: Comprehensive customs and immigration facilities for handling international cargo and crew.

Additional Services:

  • Storage: Warehousing and open storage areas available for cargo.
  • Security: Adequate port security measures conforming to international standards (e.g., ISPS code) for ensuring safety.
  • Logistics Support: Availability of local logistics services for efficient cargo movement and storage.

Environmental Impact:

  • Sustainability Measures: Implementation of environmental protection measures in accordance with national and EU regulations to minimize the environmental footprint.


  • Inland Transport: Well-connected via road infrastructure. Proximity to major highways provides efficient movement of goods inland.
  • Proximity to Major Cities: Close to the Estonian capital, Tallinn, which offers an additional logistic and economic advantage.

Economic Significance:

  • Local Economy Contribution: Plays a significant role in the local economy, particularly in providing jobs within the shipbuilding and repair sectors.
  • Regional Trade: Acts as a critical node in regional trade within the Baltic Sea, contributing to economic interconnectivity.

This detailed description and specification provide a foundational understanding of the Loksa Marine Port, assisting professionals and stakeholders in decision-making and operations planning.

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