• Latitude: 52.4771
  • Longitude: 1.79455
  • UK Coast & Atlantic
  • Anchorage in UK

Address: Lowestoft NR32 1BZ UK

Phone number: +44-1502-572286

Web-site: https://www.peelports.com/ports/lowestoft

Marine Port Description and Specifications: Lowestoft Anchorage, UK

Overview: Lowestoft Anchorage is situated off the coast of Lowestoft, a town in Suffolk, England. It is part of the larger port facilities of Lowestoft, which is the UK's easternmost port. The anchorage provides safe refuge for vessels and facilitates maritime activities related to commercial shipping, fishing, and offshore industries.


  • Latitude: 52° 28.78' N
  • Longitude: 01° 45.06' E

Water Depth: The depth of the anchorage area varies, but it generally ranges between 10 to 15 meters (approximately 32.8 to 49.2 feet). Vessels are advised to consult nautical charts and the latest notices to mariners for precise and up-to-date depth information.

Seabed: The seabed in the anchorage area comprises mainly sand and some silt, providing a secure holding ground for anchoring.

Holding Ground:

  • The area offers good holding ground, suitable for anchoring different types of vessels.

Tidal Information:

  • Tidal Range: The tidal range at Lowestoft varies, typically around 1.5 to 3 meters (approximately 4.9 to 9.8 feet) depending on the time of year and lunar cycle.
  • Tidal Currents: Mariners should be aware of the tidal currents in the area, which can be significant. Current patterns and strengths should be verified from local tidal tables and resources.

Navigation Aids:

  • A range of buoys, beacons, and lights mark the approaches to Lowestoft and the anchorage area.
  • Lighthouse: The Lowestoft High Light and Low Light are notable navigation aids for vessels making landfall.

Services and Facilities:

  • Pilotage: Compulsory for certain vessels. Pilots are available to guide ships safely in and out of the port.
  • Tug Services: Tugs are available to assist with maneuvering larger vessels.
  • Mooring and Berthing: Adjacent port facilities provide berthing options for vessels of various sizes.
  • Supply Services: Provisions, refueling, and waste disposal services can be arranged through local suppliers.

Weather Conditions:

  • Lowestoft is subject to typical North Sea weather conditions. Vessels should be prepared for possible rough seas, especially during winter months when gales and storms are more frequent.
  • Weather forecasts and sea conditions updates are crucial for safe anchorage and should be monitored regularly.


  • VHF Radio: Port of Lowestoft operates on standard marine VHF channels. Communication with port control and local services is essential for coordination.

Maritime Safety:

  • The area adheres to International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations and standards.
  • The Coastguard and search and rescue services are available in case of emergencies.

Environmental Considerations:

  • Environmental regulations must be strictly followed to minimize pollution and protect marine life.
  • Waste disposal and ballast water management must comply with local and international regulations.

Port Authority Contact:

  • Associated British Ports (ABP) manages Lowestoft, providing comprehensive port and logistics services. Contact details should be verified from the official ABP Lowestoft website.

Note: Mariners are strongly advised to refer to the latest navigational charts, official maritime publications, and notices to mariners for the most current and accurate information before planning an anchorage at Lowestoft.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
ARAN250 Dredging 500M-EXCLUSION : 9/15/2024
C-FORCE Towing/Tug GB LOW 9/15/2024
CT VECTOR Towing/Tug GBLOW 9/15/2024
WILLIAM WALTER LO582 Fishing 9/7/2024
CASTOR SPICA Pleasure 9/6/2024

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