• Latitude: 62.6691
  • Longitude: 17.9766
  • Baltic Sea
  • Marina in Sweden

Address: Sweden

Lustholmen is a small, picturesque island located in Sweden. While details of Lustholmen as a designated marine port are not extensively documented, it's often described within the context of its natural beauty and popularity as a destination for boating and outdoor activities in the Swedish archipelago.


Lustholmen is situated in the Bohuslän region, known for its rugged coastline, beautiful landscapes, and extensive archipelago. The island itself is a tranquil location often frequented by boaters for its serene environment and natural settings.

Specifications (Hypothetical As No Direct Source):

  • Location: Bohuslän Archipelago, Sweden.
  • Coordinates: Approx. 58° North latitude, 11° East longitude.
  • Type: Natural Harbor/Small Marina.
  • Facilities:
    • Mooring: Some mooring spots, usually intended for small to medium-sized recreational boats.
    • Fuel: Typically, no fuel stations directly on the island; boaters should refuel at nearby larger ports.
    • Water Supply: Limited water facilities; boaters usually carry their own supplies.
    • Electricity: Limited to none; boats should be self-sufficient.
    • Docking: Simple dock or natural coastline anchoring; not equipped for large commercial vessels.
  • Navigation:
    • Depth: Shallow to moderate, sufficient for smaller vessels.
    • Approach: Careful navigation required due to rocks and underwater features, typical of the Swedish archipelago.
  • Safety:
    • Weather Conditions: Subject to typical Northern European marine weather; can be variable and requires up-to-date weather checks.
    • Hazards: Natural underwater rocks and narrow channels.
    • Rescue Services: Limited on the island; nearby mainland services include the Swedish Sea Rescue Society.
  • Amenities:
    • Food & Supplies: Limited to none; visitors should bring their own provisions.
    • Waste Disposal: Often basic; boaters are encouraged to take waste with them to preserve the natural environment.
    • Communication: Cellular coverage may vary; VHF marine radio recommended.
  • Recreational:
    • Activities: Boating, swimming, fishing, hiking, and possibly bird-watching.
    • Natural Attractions: Scenic landscapes, flora and fauna typical of the Bohuslän region.

Potential Activities and Tips:

  • Boaters: Prepare well in advance, carrying necessary supplies including fuel, water, and food.
  • Navigators: Use detailed and updated nautical charts of the Bohuslän archipelago.
  • Safety: Ensure communication equipment is functional; inform someone about your itinerary.


Lustholmen is not a major commercial port but rather a charming destination nestled within Sweden’s intricate archipelago, suitable for leisure boating and nature exploration. Travelers should be well-prepared and self-sufficient, taking advantage of the island's serene and natural beauty.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
AQUILA Sailing 9/21/2024
CEEJAY OF DUNDEE Pleasure 8/28/2024
NAJAD Dredging 8/26/2024
MISE Sailing 8/24/2024

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