• Latitude: 38.5814
  • Longitude: 14.8388
  • West Mediterranean
  • Marina in Italy

Address: Malfa Sicily Italy

The term "MALFA" doesn't correspond to a major well-known seaport in Italy. It's possible that you're referring to a smaller, lesser-known port or a specific harbor within a regional setting. As of the latest information available, MALFA is actually a village located on the island of Salina, which is part of the Aeolian Islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea, north of Sicily.

Malfa, Salina Island, Aeolian Islands

General Description:

  • Location: Malfa is situated on the northern coast of Salina, one of the Aeolian Islands.
  • Type of Port: The harbor in Malfa can be classified primarily as a small fishing and recreational port rather than a large commercial maritime hub.
  • Navigation: The waters around the Aeolian Islands can sometimes present challenges due to wind conditions and underwater topography, but they are generally safe for navigation during calm weather.

Port Specifications:

  • Primary Function: The port primarily serves local fishing vessels, leisure yachts, and boats operated by residents and tourists.
  • Facilities:
    • Mooring: Limited mooring options are available, mainly suited for small to medium-sized vessels, yachts, and fishing boats.
    • Amenities: Basic amenities such as freshwater access, minor repair services, and fuel may be available, but the range of services is limited compared to larger commercial ports.
    • Customs and Immigration: There are no major customs or immigration facilities, indicating the port's use is more localized.


  • Tourism: Malfa is known for its scenic beauty, with nearby vineyards, beaches, and hiking trails. The village offers various tourist accommodations and dining options.
  • Economy: The local economy primarily relies on tourism, fishing, and agriculture, especially the cultivation of Malvasia grapes for wine production.


  • Road Access: Malfa can be reached by road from other parts of Salina Island. The roads offer picturesque views but can be narrow and winding.
  • Sea Access: Regular ferry and hydrofoil services connect Salina and the Aeolian Islands to the Sicilian mainland, usually from Milazzo or Messina.

Key Considerations:

  • Weather: Weather conditions can significantly influence sea travel to the island. Summer months offer the best conditions for maritime activities.
  • Environmental Sensitivity: The Aeolian Islands, including Salina, are often subject to environmental protection regulations due to their unique ecosystems and historical significance.

In summary, Malfa features a small-scale port that primarily serves local needs and tourism, with basic amenities and mooring facilities. It stands out more for its scenic and cultural appeal than for extensive maritime operations. For larger commercial port activities, other Italian ports like Civitavecchia, Naples, or Palermo would be more appropriate references.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
TELIRI baycraft OFFSHORE SALINA 9/8/2024
PRAIANO Cargo ITLIP 9/7/2024
ANTONELLO Other IT SLA 9/5/2024
JERANTO Tanker IT SLA 8/31/2024
IDRA Sailing 8/25/2024

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