• Latitude: 13.3444
  • Longitude: 74.6999
  • West Coast India
  • Port in India

Address: Malpe Karnataka India

Malpe Port: An Overview


  • Geographical Coordinates: Approximately 13°20'N latitude and 74°42'E longitude.
  • State: Karnataka
  • District: Udupi
  • Proximity to Major City: Close to the town of Udupi, about 6 km to the west.

Malpe is a natural, all-weather port in the state of Karnataka, India. It lies on the western coastline, along the Arabian Sea. The port primarily serves the fishing community but has also evolved to support small-scale commercial cargo and tourism.

Port Infrastructure:

  • Berths and Jetties: Malpe port is equipped with multiple berths designed for fishing activities and smaller cargo vessels. The infrastructure includes four main fishing jetties.
  • Navigational Channels: The port has developed navigational channels to assist in safe vessel movements in and out of the port. Dredging activities are conducted periodically to maintain channel depth.
  • Loading/Unloading Facilities: Facilities are aligned with the port's dual purpose of catering to both fishing and minor cargo operations. Ice plants and cold storage facilities are also available for storing seafood.
  • Warehousing: Malpe port provides warehousing facilities to handle the storage requirements for fishing as well as minor commercial goods.
  • Road Connectivity: The port is connected to Udupi and other major cities in Karnataka via well-maintained roads. National Highway-66 is a crucial link connecting the port to various economic hubs.
  • Supporting Services: The port offers support services for fishing vessels, including but not limited to boat repairs, fuel supply, freshwater supply, and fishing gear maintenance.

Economics and Operations:

  • Primary Activities: The port's primary activity revolves around the fishing industry, making it one of the most significant fishing harbors in Karnataka.
  • Commercial Cargo: Besides fishing, the port handles minor commercial cargo, including goods like cashew nuts, tiles, and timber.
  • Tourism: Malpe is a gateway to St. Mary’s Island and is gradually becoming a tourist hotspot. The port offers ferry services to this picturesque island renowned for its unique rock formations.

Development and Governance:

  • Port Authority: The port is regulated and managed by the Karnataka State Government under the Department of Ports and Inland Water Transport.
  • Development Projects: Various development projects have been initiated to upgrade the port’s infrastructure, including modernizing jetties and expanding cold storage facilities to support the fishing industry.

Environmental and Safety Considerations:

  • Marine and Coastal Protection: Being a fishing harbor, efforts are made to minimize pollution and maintain the ecological balance in the surrounding marine and coastal areas.
  • Safety Protocols: Safety and navigational aids are provided for safe vessel operations. The port adheres to safety norms to ensure smooth and secure activities within its premises.

Strategic Importance:

  • Economic Growth: Malpe port plays a crucial role in the regional economy, particularly in the fisheries sector, contributing significantly to local employment and trade.
  • Tourism Boost: The port serves as a crucial node for tourism, offering services that enhance visitor experience and revenue for the region.

Conclusion: Malpe port, though primarily a fishing harbor, is diversifying its operations to incorporate commercial cargo handling and boost tourism. Strategic development plans and existing infrastructure make it a pivotal point for maritime activities along Karnataka's coastline.

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