• Latitude: 4.2281
  • Longitude: 111.909
  • Indonesia
  • Offshore Terminal in Malaysia

Address: Malaysia

Offshore Terminal MAMPU-1 in Malaysia

Introduction The MAMPU-1 (Mobile Offshore Production Unit) is an offshore terminal operating off the coast of Malaysia. Designed for oil production, storage, and offloading, it plays a critical role in Malaysia's offshore oil industry. A floating production unit, MAMPU-1 is essential for developing offshore oil fields without the need for fixed installations.


  1. Type

    • Mobile Offshore Production Unit (MOPU)
  2. Function

    • Oil extraction, processing, storage, and offloading.
  3. Location

    • Positioned off the coast of Malaysia, typically deployed in Malaysian territorial waters within designated oil fields.
  4. Operators

    • Managed by production companies in partnership with Petronas, Malaysia's national oil company.


  1. Hull and Structure

    • Dimensions: Varies according to the specific model, typical dimensions would be around 150-250 meters in length.
    • Capacity: Designed to handle a production capacity of several tens of thousands of barrels per day, with storage capacity running into hundreds of thousands of barrels.
    • Construction: Typically steel-hulled, designed to endure harsh marine environments.
  2. Production Facilities

    • Processing Equipment: Includes separators, heaters, treaters, and other process equipment to manage and treat crude oil.
    • Power Supply: Equipped with on-board power generation units, often diesel or gas turbines, providing electricity for operations.
    • Water Injection: Facilities to re-inject water to maintain reservoir pressure.
  3. Living Quarters

    • Accommodation: Living quarters for crew, typically housing 50-100 personnel.
    • Amenities: Includes dining areas, gyms, medical facilities, and recreational rooms to support life on board.
  4. Safety and Environmental Systems

    • Fire and Gas Detection: Comprehensive systems for early detection of fires or gas leaks.
    • Lifeboats and Life Rafts: Adequate life-saving appliances to ensure crew safety in emergencies.
    • Pollution Control: Systems to manage and reduce environmental impact, including oily water separators and waste management systems.
  5. Offloading System

    • Oil Export: Primarily via shuttle tankers through submerged or surface mooring systems.
    • Offloading Rates: High capacity pumps to ensure efficient transfer of crude oil to tankers.
  6. Mooring System

    • Design: Usually a spread moored system to stabilize the unit against ocean currents and winds.
    • Components: Anchors, chains, or synthetic lines designed to moor the unit securely.

Operational Scope

  • Lifespan: Typically designed for an operational life of 20-30 years.
  • Maintenance: Regularly scheduled inspections and maintenance to ensure optimal operation and safety.


MAMPU-1 stands as a pivotal asset in Malaysia’s offshore oil infrastructure. Providing advanced facilities for the production and storage of oil, it represents a blend of robust engineering and sophisticated technology tailored to the demands of the offshore environment. Whether in extraction or offloading, MAMPU-1 exemplifies efficiency and reliability in offshore oil production.

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