• Latitude: -0.881618
  • Longitude: 134.074
  • Indonesia
  • Port in Indonesia

Address: Indonesia

Manokwari is a port town and the capital of the West Papua province in Indonesia. The port of Manokwari serves as an important gateway to the Bird's Head Peninsula and is a strategic location for both trade and transportation. Here's a detailed description and specification of the port:


  • Geographical Coordinates: Approximately 0°51′S latitude and 134°5′E longitude.
  • Position: Manokwari is situated on the northeastern coast of the Bird's Head Peninsula, facing the Cenderawasih Bay.

Port Infrastructure

  1. Cargo Handling Facilities:

    • The port is equipped to handle a variety of cargo types, including general cargo, containers, and bulk cargo.
    • Facilities for the loading and unloading of goods from ships.
    • Warehousing and storage facilities available for short-term and long-term storage.
  2. Berthing Facilities:

    • Multiple berths that can accommodate different sizes of vessels.
    • Specific areas for fishing boats, passenger ferries, and commercial ships.
  3. Depth and Access:

    • Depth of water: The port has varying depths, generally suitable for medium-sized vessels.
    • Channels: Navigational channels are maintained for safe entry and exit of ships.
  4. Port Services:

    • Pilotage services to assist with navigation and docking.
    • Bunkering services for refueling ships.
    • Waste disposal and recycling services.
    • Repair and maintenance services for vessels.
  5. Passenger Services:

    • Passenger terminal for ferry services to other parts of Indonesia and nearby islands.
    • Facilities include waiting areas, ticket counters, and other amenities.

Connectivity and Logistics

  • Road Network: Well-connected by road to the inland regions, facilitating the transport of goods.
  • Air Transportation: Manokwari is served by Rendani Airport, which offers domestic flights to major cities in Indonesia.
  • Local Transportation: Availability of taxis, buses, and other forms of local transport for the movement of people and goods.

Economic Significance

  • Manokwari port is a vital hub for the regional economy, supporting trade and commerce.
  • The port handles a significant volume of cargo, including agricultural products, seafood, construction materials, and consumer goods.
  • It plays a critical role in the supply chain for the hinterland of West Papua province.

Environmental and Safety Measures

  • Implementation of environmental protection measures to prevent pollution and maintain the ecological balance.
  • Strict adherence to international maritime safety standards.
  • Emergency response teams and equipment in place to address any accidents or spills.

Future Development

  • There are plans for further development and expansion to accommodate larger vessels and increase cargo handling capacity.
  • Upgrading infrastructure to improve efficiency and reduce turnaround times for ships.


  • Weather conditions can affect port operations, particularly during the monsoon season.
  • Infrastructure development is ongoing to meet future demands and modernize facilities.

The port of Manokwari serves as a critical juncture for maritime trade in West Papua, with ongoing efforts to enhance its capabilities and infrastructure to support regional growth.

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