• Latitude: 52.5831
  • Longitude: 5.36869
  • UK Coast & Atlantic
  • Port in Netherlands

Address: Netherlands

Marker Wadden is an ambitious and innovative ecological restoration project located in the Netherlands. It is part of the Markermeer, a large lake situated between the provinces of Flevoland and North Holland. The project aims to improve the ecological quality of the Markermeer by creating a group of artificial islands designed to provide new habitats for wildlife, increase biodiversity, and improve water quality.


  1. Location: The Marker Wadden is located within the Markermeer, which is part of the IJsselmeer lake system. It is situated northeast of Amsterdam and close to the cities of Lelystad and Enkhuizen.

  2. Purpose: The primary goals of the Marker Wadden project are ecological restoration, habitat creation, and biodiversity enhancement. It aims to transform a part of the Markermeer, a nutrient-rich but ecologically degraded body of water, into a thriving natural environment.

  3. Natural Elements: The islands are designed to include a variety of natural landscapes, such as wetlands, mudflats, marshlands, and sandy beaches. These features are intended to attract and support a wide range of flora and fauna.


  1. Construction: The islands are mainly constructed using sediment dredged from the Markermeer itself. This innovative approach recycles local materials and helps address siltation problems in the lake.

  2. Island Details: The project consists of several islands, with the first and largest island being approximately 250 hectares (about 620 acres) in size. Future plans could expand this to a total of around 10,000 hectares.

  3. Water Management: The design incorporates advanced hydrological engineering to manage water levels and flow, ensuring optimal conditions for various ecosystems.

  4. Accessibility: The main island is accessible to the public, offering facilities such as walking paths, observation points, and a small harbor for boats.

  5. Infrastructure: Essential infrastructure includes docks, bird-watching towers, and walking trails. Additionally, there are plans to enhance these facilities to support sustainable tourism and educational activities.

  6. Biodiversity: The Marker Wadden islands provide habitats for numerous bird species, including both resident and migratory species. The islands are also expected to support various fish species, invertebrates, and plant life, contributing to a more balanced ecosystem in the Markermeer.

Impact and Benefits

  • Ecological: Significant improvements in water quality and sediment dynamics, as well as increased biodiversity, are key ecological benefits.
  • Scientific: The project serves as a living laboratory for scientists and researchers studying ecological restoration and sustainable management practices.
  • Social: Provides recreational opportunities, educational tours, and a boost to local tourism.
  • Economic: Enhances the attractiveness of the region, potentially leading to economic development through eco-tourism and related activities.

Future Plans

There are ongoing efforts to monitor the ecological outcomes of the project and continued plans to expand the network of islands. Future developments may include additional facilities for visitors, heightened focus on educational programs, and further scientific research to refine restoration techniques.

In conclusion, Marker Wadden is an exemplar of innovative ecological restoration that combines advanced engineering with a commitment to enhancing natural environments, offering a blueprint for similar projects worldwide.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
NIEUW HORIZON Passenger 08:57:32
ELDUUK Pleasure 08:40:33
MARKER WADDEN II Pleasure 08:26:40
CONCREET Sailing 04:26:23
MEANDER Pleasure 9/22/2024
KLEINE BEER Sailing 9/22/2024
BOUNTY Other LELYSTAD 9/22/2024
BEL ESPRIT Sailing 9/22/2024
DE KRIEBELS Sailing 9/22/2024
PANACHE Sailing 9/22/2024
ISABELLA Sailing AMSTERDAM 9/22/2024
CIRROSTRATUS Sailing 9/22/2024
ANGELINA Sailing 9/22/2024
COOL BREEZE Pleasure 9/22/2024
JOEP Pleasure 9/22/2024
MAGNIFICENT Sailing 9/22/2024
TINEKE Pleasure 9/22/2024
WISSELING Sailing 9/22/2024
ZEEVONK Sailing 9/22/2024
MISTRAL Pleasure 9/22/2024
LARRY Sailing 9/22/2024
HUMDINGER Pleasure 9/22/2024
LADY VICTORIA Sailing 9/22/2024

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