• Latitude: -23.861
  • Longitude: 35.3505
  • East Africa
  • Port in Mozambique

Address: Maxixe Inhambane Province Mozambique

Marine Port Description and Specifications: Port of Maxixe, Mozambique

General Overview: The Port of Maxixe is a smaller but significant marine port located in the town of Maxixe, within the Inhambane Province on the southeast coast of Mozambique. Its strategic location along the Indian Ocean makes it an essential hub for local maritime activities, including fisheries and small-scale cargo operations.

Geographical Location:

  • Coordinates: Approximately 23.8595° S latitude and 35.3476° E longitude
  • The port provides access to the Inhambane Bay, a crucial body of water for docking and cargo handling.

Port Facilities and Infrastructure:

  1. Berths and Docks:

    • The port features basic docking facilities suitable for smaller vessels, including fishing boats and small cargo ships.
    • The infrastructure supports the docking needs for local maritime traffic but is not tailored for large international cargo vessels.
  2. Cargo Handling:

    • Facilities for warehousing and handling small to medium-sized cargo.
    • Primary cargo includes local produce, seafood, and goods necessary for regional consumption.
  3. Navigation Aids:

    • Equipped with essential navigational aids to assist vessels entering and leaving the bay.
    • Regular maintenance ensures that navigational aids are operational.
  4. Services and Utilities:

    • Basic port services including water supply and electricity.
    • Inspection and minor repair services for local vessels.
    • Limited availability of bunkering services (fuel provision).
  5. Security and Administration:

    • Managed by local port authority under the jurisdiction of the Mozambique Ports and Railways (CFM - Portos e Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique).
    • Ensures adherence to regional maritime regulations.
    • Basic security measures in place to protect the port and vessels.

Operational Specifications:

  • Tidal Range: Moderate tidal influences affect docking schedules.
  • Draft Depth: The port has limited draft depth, accommodating smaller vessels with shallow drafts.
  • Harbor Type: Inhambane Bay, providing natural shelter against rough seas.

Connectivity and Access:

  • Road Links: Connected by local road networks to surrounding towns and the provincial capital.
  • Feeder Services: Utilized for transporting goods to and from larger ports such as Maputo and Beira.

Economic Role:

  • Predominantly supports local and regional commerce.
  • Active involvement in the fishing industry which forms a significant part of the local economy.
  • Emerging tourism hub, contributing to passenger travel and transport.

Environmental Considerations:

  • Sustainability practices in place to minimize environmental impact.
  • Conservation efforts aimed at protecting the marine environment and coastal ecosystem.

Future Development:

  • Plans for infrastructure improvement to better support commercial activities.
  • Potential upgrades to facilities to enhance capacity and efficiency for cargo handling and tourism.

Conclusion: The Port of Maxixe, while modest in scale, plays a crucial role in supporting the local economy through its maritime operations. It provides essential services for fishing, small cargo handling, and serves as a gateway for tourism in the region. The ongoing and future improvements aim to bolster its capabilities and render it a more robust component of Mozambique’s maritime infrastructure.

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