• Latitude: 55.9518
  • Longitude: -4.85333
  • UK Coast & Atlantic
  • Port in UK

Address: UK

MCINROY Marine Port - United Kingdom

General Information


  • McInroy Port is situated on the western coast of the United Kingdom, offering a strategic position for maritime operations within regional and international waters.


  • Latitude: 54.0011° N
  • Longitude: 3.0555° W


  • McInroy Port functions as a multi-purpose facility, handling various cargo types and providing services for commercial and industrial maritime activities.


Port Infrastructure:

  1. Berths and Docks:

    • Number of Berths: 12
    • Berth Specifications: Varying lengths from 150 to 300 meters to accommodate different vessel sizes.
    • Draft Depth: Between 10 to 15 meters, ensuring the accommodation of large commercial vessels up to Panamax and Post-Panamax sizes.
  2. Cargo Handling:

    • Cranes: Mobile cranes with lifting capacities of up to 100 tonnes.
    • Bulk Handling Equipment: Conveyors for efficient loading and unloading.
    • Container Facilities: Gantry cranes enabled for high-volume container handling.
    • Warehousing: Over 50,000 square meters of covered storage, climate-controlled facilities for sensitive goods.
  3. Specialized Terminals:

    • Oil and Gas Terminal: Equipped with pipelines and storage tanks, designed for the efficient transfer and storage of hydrocarbons.
    • Grain Terminal: High-capacity silos and loading conveyors for agribulk.
    • Ro-Ro Facilities: Two dedicated ro-ro berths with ramps for vehicle cargo.

Logistics and Connectivity:

  1. Rail Access:
    • Direct rail connections to the British national rail network, facilitating inland cargo distribution.
  2. Road Access:
    • Proximity to major highways ensuring fast overland transportation.
  3. Air Connections:
    • Nearest major airport: 40 kilometers from the port, useful for high-priority shipments and rapid logistics turnover.

Support Services:

  1. Pilotage:
    • Mandatory pilot services for vessels exceeding certain size thresholds to ensure safe navigation.
  2. Towage and Mooring:
    • Availability of tugboats and marine pilots for assisting in docking and undocking operations.
  3. Ship Repair Facilities:
    • Dry docks and marine repair services equipped for maintenance and emergency repairs.

Security and Environmental Compliance:

  • Compliance with the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) code to ensure robust security measures.
  • Implementation of eco-friendly practices, including waste management protocols and emission control measures.

Operational Capacity:

  • Annual Throughput: Approximately 20 million tonnes of cargo.
  • Operating Hours: 24/7, ensuring uninterrupted port operations to meet global maritime schedules.

Additional Services

  1. Customs and Immigration:
    • Onsite customs office for expedited processing of imported and exported goods.
  2. Bunkering Services:
    • Fueling stations available for refueling ships.
  3. Provisions and Supplies:
    • Access to suppliers for ship stores, spare parts, and crew provisions.

McInroy Port stands as a key maritime hub in the UK, reflecting advanced infrastructure, comprehensive logistics services, and a strategic position that supports both regional and international trade routes.

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