• Latitude: -23.08
  • Longitude: -70.4084
  • West South America
  • Port in Chile

Address: Mejillones Antofagasta 1315000 Chile

MEL and HACCP are all essential components to consider when analyzing any port facility. Here is a detailed description of the marine port of Mejillones, located in Chile:


Mejillones Port is located in Mejillones Bay, in the north of Chile, approximately 65 kilometers north of the city of Antofagasta. The port plays a crucial role in the Chilean mining industry, especially for the shipment of copper and other minerals produced in the region.


1. Geographical Location

  • Coordinates: Approximately 23°05' S latitude and 70°27' W longitude.
  • Climate: Deserts with minimal annual rainfall, typically characterized by stable weather conditions.

2. Port Infrastructure

  • Berths: Various berths designated for container ships, bulk carriers, and cargo vessels.
  • Depth: The water depth varies by berth but typically ranges from 10 to 18 meters, enabling the accommodation of large Panamax and Post-Panamax vessels.
  • Dock Length: The length varies by dock; some key berths have lengths exceeding 300 meters.
  • Cranes and Equipment: Modern ship-to-shore cranes, Mobile harbor cranes, Conveyor belt systems for bulk materials handling.

3. Cargo Handling Capabilities

  • Bulk Cargo: Primarily copper concentrate, minerals, and other mining-related materials.
  • Containers: Port has facilities to handle containerized goods, though the primary focus is on bulk cargo.
  • General Cargo: Capable of handling other general cargo besides bulk materials.

4. Storage Facilities

  • Warehouses: Multiple storage facilities, including covered warehouses for general cargo.
  • Open Storage: Extensive open storage areas for bulk materials and container storage yards.

5. Support Services

  • Pilotage: Mandatory pilotage services provided within the port area.
  • Tug Boats: Adequate tug services available for maneuvering large vessels.
  • Bunkering: Fueling services available for ships.
  • Ship Repair: Basic repair facilities available, with more extensive services in nearby ports.

6. Transportation Links

  • Rail: Connection to the national rail network enabling efficient transportation of goods inland.
  • Road: Well-connected by road networks linking to major highways and providing access to the mining areas.

7. Logistics and Customs

  • Customs Services: Efficient customs procedures with a focus on fast clearance for mining exports.
  • Security: Standard port security measures in place, including ISPS Code compliance.

Additional Information

  • Port Authority: The port operations are managed by Empresa Portuaria Mejillones.
  • Environmental Considerations: The port adheres to environmental regulations to minimize the impact of its operations on the local ecology, important given its proximity to the Atacama Desert, one of the driest areas in the world.

The port of Mejillones has established itself as a critical hub for Chile's mining exports, significantly contributing to the national economy. The port’s advanced infrastructure and strategic location are vital for the efficient handling and shipment of mineral resources.

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