• Latitude: 54.3525
  • Longitude: 10.1763
  • Baltic Sea
  • Marina in Germany

Address: Germany

Certainly! As of the latest information available:

Marine Port Description: Moenkeberg, Germany


  • Moenkeberg is a small town located in the northern part of Germany, in the state of Schleswig-Holstein.
  • Positioned on the eastern shore of the Kiel Fjord, near the city of Kiel, which is a major port and naval base.

Geographic Coordinates:

  • Approximately 54.3630° N latitude.
  • Approximately 10.1625° E longitude.

Port Type:

  • The port is generally categorized as a smaller, regional port primarily catering to local and recreational maritime activities.
  • It is not as large or industrialized as its neighbor, the Port of Kiel.

Key Facilities and Services:

  • Marinas: Facilities for docking small to medium-sized vessels, including yachts and small commercial boats.
  • Repair Services: Basic maintenance and repair services for local vessels.
  • Fueling Stations: Availability of fuel for private and commercial boats.
  • Fishing: Facilities to support local fishing activities.
  • Recreational Amenities: Supporting recreational boating and water sports, which are popular in this region.


  • Accessible by sea through the Kiel Fjord, which connects to the larger Baltic Sea.
  • Proximity to the Kiel Canal, one of the most important artificial waterways in the world, linking the North Sea and the Baltic Sea.


  • Mainly used by recreational boaters, small fishing enterprises, and local maritime traffic.
  • The port plays a role in supporting tourism in the area, with visitors often coming to enjoy the scenic fjord and nearby attractions.

Nearby Infrastructure:

  • Close to the city of Kiel, which offers extensive port facilities, industrial dockyards, naval installations, and commercial shipping services.
  • Good road and rail connectivity with major routes leading to other parts of Germany and neighboring countries.

Environmental and Safety Considerations:

  • As a smaller facility nestled in a scenic region, environmental protection is a priority, with efforts to maintain clean water and protect local marine life.
  • Safety measures and regulations are in place to ensure the secure and efficient operation of the port.


  • Water Depth: Relatively shallow compared to larger commercial ports, accommodating small to medium-sized vessels.
  • Docking Capacity: Limited but sufficient for local demand, with various slips available for recreational boats.
  • Navigation Aids: Marked channels and navigational aids to guide vessels safely to the marinas and dock areas.
  • Land Facilities: Including but not limited to parking areas, small service shops, and recreation zones for visitors.

Economic and Strategic Importance:

While Moenkeberg itself might not hold significant international trade importance, its proximity to Kiel enhances its strategic position, providing a quieter and more picturesque alternative, appealing to tourists and local maritime enthusiasts.

Considerations for Visitors:

  • Ideal for travelers seeking a serene maritime experience.
  • Opportunities for engaging in boating, fishing, and exploring the natural beauty of the Kiel Fjord.
  • Close enough to Kiel for those needing access to larger city amenities and services.


Moenkeberg port is a quaint, functional, and regionally important marina that supports local and recreational maritime activities while offering visitors a gateway to the natural and scenic beauty of the Kiel Fjord area. If planning to visit or utilize the port, one should consider its smaller scale and the primary focus on leisure and local engagements.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
MS STADT KIEL Passenger KIEL 12:28:54
LABOE Passenger KIEL 11:57:59
SCHILKSEE Other KIEL 11:26:27
UTA Pleasure 10:55:43
ZUIDERZEE Sailing KIEL 08:57:35
WIK Passenger KIEL 08:57:34
FALSHOEFT Port STREIFE --- VHF 16 06:58:10
BRAVEWIND Cargo DKRNN 9/22/2024
SEVEN Pleasure 9/22/2024
CRACKAJACK Pleasure 9/22/2024
LIEKEPIEK Sailing 9/22/2024
PETER VON DANZIG Sailing 9/22/2024
DIBEDIBEDAB Sailing 9/22/2024
ESPERIA Sailing 9/22/2024
ABACUS Sailing RAFSNAS 9/22/2024
LIBERTY Sailing 9/22/2024
SCAMPOLO Sailing 9/22/2024
RAAN Pleasure 9/22/2024
KIEK MOL Sailing 9/22/2024
SY CORLEONE Sailing 9/22/2024
INFINITY Sailing 9/22/2024
S.Y. BLUESCREEN Sailing 9/22/2024
QUIVIVE XI Sailing 9/22/2024
FANTOMARX Sailing 9/22/2024

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