• Latitude: 53.5444
  • Longitude: 142.514
  • CIS Pacific
  • Port in Russia

Address: MOSKALVO Sakhalin Oblast Russia

Port of Moskalvo - Overview


  • Country: Russia
  • Region: Sakhalin Island (located in the Far East of Russia)

Geographical Coordinates:

  • Latitude: Approximately 54.8333° N
  • Longitude: Approximately 136.3333° E

Key Features:

  1. Type of Port: Medium-sized maritime port primarily focused on handling cargo related to local industries.
  2. Functions: Commercial shipping, fishery, potential oil and gas services due to proximity to Sakhalin oil fields.

Facilities and Infrastructure:

  1. Cargo Handling: Equipped to handle various types of cargo including bulk commodities, general cargo, and possibly liquid bulk owing to regional oil activities.
  2. Storage: Warehousing facilities available for temporary storage of goods.
  3. Berths: Multiple berths capable of accommodating different vessel sizes, depending on the specific berth designations and depth limitations.
  4. Support Services: Availability of rudimentary logistical support, bunkering, and minor repair services.


  • Road: Connected to regional road networks providing access to nearby cities and industrial locations.
  • Rail: May have rail connections depending on further infrastructure updates for efficient cargo transport.
  • Airport: Limited airport access, predominantly serviced by regional flights. Major international access would be via larger Russian cities.

Special Considerations:

  • Operating Conditions: Subject to harsh weather conditions typical of the Russian Far East, including cold winters that may affect port operations.
  • Environmental Regulations: Must comply with Russian federal and local environmental regulations, particularly those relating to maritime and offshore drilling activities.

Customs and Regulations:

  • Customs Control: Standard Russian customs procedures apply. Given the port's strategic location, heightened security and customs scrutiny might be present.

Strategic Importance:

  • The Port of Moskalvo plays a critical role in the local economy, primarily through facilitating maritime transport and logistics for the fishing industry and potentially supporting the burgeoning oil and gas sector on Sakhalin Island.

Prospective Developments:

  • Possible future expansions to enhance capacity in line with regional development, especially if further oil and gas infrastructure is implemented.

Key Contacts:

  • Port Authority: Local administration office responsible for port operations and management; further details would typically require direct contact or access via official Russian maritime infrastructure resources.

Note: For up-to-date and detailed specifications including maximum vessel sizes, draft limits, and operational schedules, you should consult official publications or directly contact the port authorities.

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