• Latitude: 39.8721
  • Longitude: 25.2653
  • East Mediterranean
  • Port in Greece

Address: Moudros North Aegean Greece

Port of Moudros, Greece


  • Geographical Coordinates: Latitude 39.8733° N, Longitude 25.2614° E
  • Region: Situated on the island of Lemnos in the northern Aegean Sea, Greece.
  • Nearby Major Cities: Myrina (the capital of Lemnos island) is approximately 27 kilometers from Moudros.

Overview: Moudros is a significant historical port with a strategic location in the Aegean Sea, known for its deep natural harbor. It has a rich history, having served as a major Allied base during World War I.

Port Specifications:

  • Harbor Type: Natural harbor, providing shelter for vessels.

  • Tidal Range: The tidal range is minimal, typical of the Mediterranean Sea.

  • Depth:

    • Approach Channel: Around 10 to 20 meters, suitable for moderately deep-draft vessels.
    • Anchorage Depth: Varies from 10 to 25 meters, accommodating larger vessels.
    • Cargo Pier Depth: Varies but generally supports medium-sized commercial and fishing vessels.
  • Facilities:

    • Berth Information: Moudros port has berths designed to accommodate smaller and medium-sized vessels. The exact specifications may vary by berth.
    • Cargo Handling: Capable of handling general cargo, with limited facilities for special types of cargo.
    • Passenger Services: Limited but available, often seasonal and focused on tourism.
    • Fishing Fleet: Significant docking and support facilities for local fishing vessels.
    • Fueling: Limited bunkering services. Ships often have to make arrangements in advance.

Operational Information:

  • Port Authority: Managed under local port authority regulations.
  • Operating Hours: Typically follows a standard working week but may provide 24/7 service for certain operations or in emergencies.
  • Pilotage: Generally required for larger vessels; pilot services can be arranged through the port authority.
  • Tug Services: Available but may be limited. Coordination through the port authority is advised.
  • Customs and Immigration: Facilities are available to clear both cargo and passengers. Specific protocols may span several hours for processing.

Notable Uses:

  • Commercial Trade: While not a major hub, Moudros supports regional trade, particularly with agricultural and local products.
  • Tourism: The port serves as a gateway for tourists visiting Lemnos, offering ferry services to nearby islands and mainland Greece.
  • Historical Importance: Used as a naval base, especially noted for its role during World War I.


  • Well connected by road to Myrina and other parts of Lemnos.
  • Limited public transportation, mostly relying on private vehicles and taxis.

Environmental Considerations:

  • The port and surrounding waters are subject to Greek environmental regulations to protect the delicate marine ecosystem of the Aegean Sea.

Contact Information:

  • Port Authority of Moudros:
    • Address and contact details can typically be found through the local municipal office or marine directory for specific inquiries and operational coordination.


The Port of Moudros is a small but strategically placed port with significant historical relevance and moderate commercial activity. While not one of Greece’s major commercial ports, it serves crucial local needs for trade, fishing, and tourism. Its natural harbor provides excellent shelter, making it a suitable stop for vessels navigating the northern Aegean Sea.

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