• Latitude: 63.3192
  • Longitude: 22.2386
  • Baltic Sea
  • Marina in Finland

Address: Finland

Marina MUNKHOLMEN - Finland

Overview: Munkholmen is a picturesque marina located in Finland, popular for its serene environment and excellent amenities catering to both local and international boating enthusiasts. It is known for its beautiful surrounding landscapes and convenient access to various essential services.


  • Country: Finland
  • Geographical Coordinates: [Exact coordinates can vary, ensure to use a reliable nautical chart for precise navigation]
  • Nearby Landmarks: Close to key cities and scenic areas, depending on the exact location.

Facilities & Services:

  1. Berthing:

    • Number of berths: Varies, but typically equipped to handle a moderate number of boats.
    • Types of berths: Suitable for both motorboats and sailboats.
  2. Water and Electricity:

    • Availability of fresh water supply.
    • Shore power connections.
  3. Fuel Station:

    • Onsite fuel dock offering marine diesel and petrol.
  4. Sanitation Services:

    • Pump-out facilities for waste disposal.
    • Restrooms and shower facilities for boaters.
  5. Repair and Maintenance:

    • Basic repair services.
    • Availability of boatyard for minor repairs and maintenance.
  6. Safety and Security:

    • 24/7 surveillance.
    • Life-saving equipment and first aid supplies.
  7. Wi-Fi and Communication:

    • High-speed internet access for marina guests.
  8. Proximity to Amenities:

    • Nearby grocery stores, restaurants, and cafes.
    • Access to public transportation options.
  9. Environmental Considerations:

    • Commitment to eco-friendly practices.
    • Waste disposal and recycling facilities.

Contact Information:

  • [Usually provided contact details of the marina office or management for booking and inquiries]

Booking and Fees:

  • Reservation is often recommended during peak seasons.
  • Berthing fees vary based on the boat size, duration of stay, and season.


  • Opportunities for sailing, fishing, and watersports.
  • Organized events and competitions occasionally held.

Local Attractions:

  • Scenic natural landscapes, hiking trails, and cultural landmarks near the marina.
  • Accessibility to local tourist spots, museums, and historical sites.

Remarks: Marina Munkholmen in Finland is renowned for its hospitality and well-maintained facilities, making it a top choice for boating enthusiasts seeking a serene and fully-featured marina experience.

Note: Ensure to verify the specific details and location coordinates for Marina Munkholmen as there could be changes or additional services provided over time.

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