• Latitude: 14.4475
  • Longitude: -17.0345
  • West Africa
  • Port in Senegal

Address: Ngaparou Thiès Senegal

Ngaparou is a small fishing village located on the Petite Côte in Senegal, approximately 75 kilometers south of the capital, Dakar. While not a major commercial shipping port, Ngaparou serves as an important local hub for fishing activities and small-scale maritime operations. Here, I'll provide a general description and specifications for the port and its facilities.

Port Description:

  • Location: Ngaparou, Petite Côte, Senegal
  • Coordinates: Approximately 14.4866° N latitude, -17.0444° W longitude
  • Nearest Major City: Mbour (around 10 km to the south), Dakar (around 75 km to the north)

Port Specifications:

  • Type of Port: Fishing and small-scale commercial port
  • Harbor Type: Open roadstead, naturally protected by the coastline
  • Water Depth: Typically shallow, suitable for small fishing vessels and local boats
    • Approach Channel: Not formally established, natural approaches can be shallow
    • Berthing Facilities: Limited, primarily consisting of simple piers and docking areas for local fishing boats


  • Fishing Infrastructure:

    • Fish Market: Local fish market where daily catches are sold
    • Processing Area: Basic facilities for cleaning and processing fish
    • Storage: Limited cold storage facilities for temporary storage of fish and seafood
  • Support Services:

    • Boat Repair: Basic services available for repair and maintenance of fishing vessels
    • Fuel Supply: Limited availability; mainly for local fishing boats

Operational Details:

  • Port Authority: Managed locally, often by community organizations and local authorities
  • Security: Generally low-level security, suitable for small-scale operations. Larger ships may need to coordinate with larger ports nearby such as Dakar.
  • Environmental Considerations: Measures in place to maintain cleanliness, given the community's reliance on fishing. Initiatives may include waste management and sustainable fishing practices.

Access and Navigation:

  • Accessibility: Road access available from Dakar and other nearby locations via the N1 and N106 highways. No major rail connections.
  • Navigation Aids: Minimal navigational aids; local fishermen rely on experience and knowledge of the area for navigation.
  • Adjacent Facilities: Nearby tourist accommodations and small businesses cater to both tourists and locals.

Please note that detailed technical data and specifications may vary, and it's recommended to contact local authorities for the most up-to-date and specific information.

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