• Latitude: -20.4961
  • Longitude: 164.17
  • East Australia
  • Port in New Caledonia

Address: Paagoumène New Caledonia

As of the latest information available up to 2021, PAAGUMENE in New Caledonia does not seem to be listed as a major marine port or harbor. It is possible that this name may refer to a smaller, less-known location, a private facility, or it could be associated with specific activities that are not broadly documented.

New Caledonia, a French territory located in the southwest Pacific Ocean, is known for several larger and well-documented ports, such as:

  1. Port of Nouméa: The main port, located on the southwest coast on the main island (Grande Terre). This port is significant for its commercial activities, handling container ships, cargo, and cruise ships. It includes multiple terminals such as the container terminal, bulk terminal, and a cruise terminal.

  2. Port of Prony: Primarily used for industrial purposes, particularly related to the export of nickel and other minerals, which are critical to New Caledonia's economy.

  3. Port of Thio: Also involved in mining activities, primarily focused on the export of nickel.

If PAAGUMENE corresponds to a smaller harbor or private dock, details might be more sparse, focusing primarily on localized or community use, possibly for fishing or small-scale cargo handling.

To provide more detailed and accurate information, especially for specialized inquiries, contacting local maritime authorities or regional port directories would be the most reliable approach. If specific facilities or areas of interest within New Caledonia need to be assessed, these local entities could provide the latest, most precise details.

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