• Latitude: 38.244
  • Longitude: 21.7023
  • East Mediterranean
  • Anchorage in Greece

Address: Patras Achaea 26222 Greece

Phone number: +30 2610 341000


Patra Anch (Anchorages) - Greece

Location: Patra Anchorages, commonly referred to as Patras or Pátrai Anchorages, are located near the city of Patras in the northwestern part of the Peloponnese peninsula, Greece. Patras is well-known as the regional capital of Western Greece and holds significant historical and commercial importance due to its strategic position.

Coordinates: Latitude: approximately 38.2446° N Longitude: approximately 21.7346° E

General Overview: Patra Anchorages serve as key maritime hubs for vessels seeking temporary anchorage in the vicinity of the Gulf of Patras. The port of Patras itself is a major commercial, passenger, and ferry port, facilitating various types of maritime traffic, including cargo ships, cruise liners, and ferries.

Anchorage Details:

  1. Purpose: The anchorages are primarily used for vessels waiting to berth at the nearby port or those requiring a short-term stopover for logistics, refueling, or crew changes.

  2. Navigation:

    • Approach: Vessels approaching Patra Anchorages should navigate with caution due to variable weather conditions and possible congestions. VHF communication with the Port Authority is recommended for up-to-date navigational instructions.
    • Depth: The average depth of the anchorages varies but generally accommodates deep-draft vessels. Specific depth information should be confirmed via updated nautical charts or local authorities.
    • Holding Ground: The seabed consists of sand and mud, providing good holding ground for anchorage.
  3. Facilities and Services:

    • Tugs and pilot services are available for assisting vessels in docking and maneuvers within the port area.
    • Bunker facilities are present to supply fuel to vessels at anchor or docked at the port.
    • Provisions, water supply, and waste disposal services can be arranged via local agents.
    • Ship repairs and maintenance services are accessible in the broader Patras port complex.
  4. Weather Conditions: The area experiences typical Mediterranean weather with mild, wet winters, and hot, dry summers. Mariners should keep abreast of weather forecasts to ensure safe anchorage, especially during adverse weather conditions such as strong winds and heavy seas.

  5. Regulations:

    • Vessels must comply with Greek maritime regulations and adhere to international maritime safety and environmental standards.
    • VHF Channel 12 is commonly used for communications with Patras Port Authority for anchorage coordination.
    • All anchorage activities must be reported to the Port Authority for proper regulation and safety.

Port of Patras: The adjacent port of Patras enhances the value of the anchorages by providing comprehensive port facilities, including several quays for handling various cargo types, passenger terminals for ferry services to neighboring regions and Italy, and a customs-free zone for streamlined trade operations.

Nearby Amenities:

  • The city of Patras offers various amenities, including lodging, restaurants, medical facilities, and transportation links to the rest of Greece. The nearby Kato Achaia and Rio regions also provide additional resources and connectivity.

Contact Information: For anchorage services, port information, and official communications, mariners can contact the Port Authority of Patras. It is advisable to consult with local shipping agents for precise and tailored information related to vessel requirements.

By using the Patra Anchorages, mariners can ensure a strategic and efficient stopover, benefiting from the well-established services and facilities of the Patras port complex.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
AGIA_TRIAS Fishing 9/23/2024
CAVALLO Pleasure 9/20/2024
ELENI Fishing 9/20/2024
OSIA PARASKEVI Fishing 9/19/2024
ARIADNE Passenger GRGPT 9/19/2024
TIN TIN Sailing 9/19/2024
KAPETAN STRATOS II Fishing 9/18/2024
MORNING STAR Sailing 9/18/2024
PANOS Fishing 9/18/2024
SUPERFAST III Passenger ITAOI 9/17/2024
TA TESERA ADELFIA Fishing SAMI 9/17/2024
PANOS II Fishing 9/16/2024
AG. GEORGIOS Fishing 9/16/2024
PANAGIA_TRYPITI Fishing 9/16/2024
HERMES Towing/Tug PATRA 9/14/2024
SUPERFAST XI Passenger GRGPA>ITAOI 9/13/2024
NICOLAS Sailing 9/13/2024
POL MARIS Cargo ITTRS 9/11/2024
ALEXIS M Fishing 9/11/2024
ARCADIA Sailing 9/8/2024
POL STELLA Cargo ITTRS 9/6/2024

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