• Latitude: 42.9144
  • Longitude: 10.6026
  • West Mediterranean
  • Anchorage in Italy

Address: Piombino Tuscany 57025 Italy

Piombino Anchorage (PIOMBINO ANCH) in Italy serves as a designated anchorage area for vessels waiting to enter the Port of Piombino or other nearby ports in the region. This anchorage area offers a safe and convenient location for ships to await port clearance and berth availability. Below are the details and specifications related to Piombino Anchorage:


  • Geographical Coordinates: Approximately 42.9167° N latitude and 10.5333° E longitude.
  • Proximity: Situated along the western coast of Italy, in the Ligurian Sea, near the Tuscan Archipelago. It is close to the bustling Port of Piombino and serves as an important waypoint for maritime traffic within the region.


  • Type of Anchorage: Open sea anchorage area.
  • Depth: Depths at the anchorage can vary but typically range from 20 to 30 meters (65 to 98 feet), sufficient to accommodate a wide range of vessel sizes, including larger cargo ships and tankers.
  • Bottom Type: Seabed is generally composed of sand and mud, providing good holding ground for anchors.
  • Shelter: Piombino Anchorage is fairly exposed to weather conditions from various directions, so vessels need to be prepared for potential shifts in wind and sea state.


  • Approach: Navigation to Piombino Anchorage involves standard maritime protocols, taking into account the local traffic separation schemes and nearby navigational hazards.
  • Charts and Aids to Navigation: Mariners should refer to updated nautical charts and Notices to Mariners for the latest navigational information. Commonly used charts include those issued by national and international hydrographic offices.


  • Purpose: Commonly used by commercial vessels awaiting entry to the Port of Piombino, emergency stops, or operational holds.
  • Regulations: Vessels must comply with the local maritime authority regulations and are usually required to inform the Port Authority of Piombino or the Italian Coast Guard of their intention to anchor. Observance of safety, environmental, and operational protocols is mandatory.


  • Tugboats: Available upon request, typically communicated through the port's VTS (Vessel Traffic Service).
  • Bunkering and Supplies: While primary services are rendered within the Port of Piombino, the anchorage can coordinate supply deliveries if necessary.
  • Pilotage: Depending on the type and size of the vessel, pilotage may be required for movement into and out of the anchorage or proceeding into the Port of Piombino.

Environmental and Safety Considerations:

  • Weather Conditions: Mariners should monitor weather forecasts and sea conditions regularly as the area can experience varying weather patterns.
  • Protection: The anchorage does not provide much natural protection from severe weather, so ensuring vessel preparedness for adverse conditions is critical.
  • Environmental Protection: Adherence to MARPOL regulations and local environmental protection laws is strictly enforced to prevent pollution and ecological impact.

In summary, Piombino Anchorage serves as a strategic and essential maritime area for vessels operating in the Ligurian Sea near the Tuscany region of Italy. It provides a relatively safe and well-regulated holding area for maritime traffic, with essential services coordinated through the nearby Port of Piombino.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
CADIZ KNUTSEN Tanker ITPIO 9/22/2024
TESSALA Tanker ITPIO 9/4/2024
ALDABRA Sailing 9/2/2024
FANNY Sailing 8/28/2024
LUISA NERI Towing/Tug PIOMBINO 8/27/2024
ALBA Sailing 8/25/2024

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