• Latitude: 50.0311
  • Longitude: -66.7845
  • East Coast Canada
  • Port in Canada

Address: Port Cartier Quebec Canada

Phone number: +1-418-766-2994

Web-site: https://www.portcartierstringent.com

Port Cartier, Canada

General Overview

Port Cartier is a key marine port located in Quebec, Canada. It is positioned on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River, approximately 60 kilometers southwest of Sept-Îles. This port primarily serves the industrial and mining sectors, particularly in the handling of iron ore and other bulk cargos.

Geographic Coordinates

  • Latitude: 50.0242° N
  • Longitude: 66.8657° W

Main Features

  1. Facilities:

    • The port boasts specialized terminal facilities, including wharves and loading/unloading equipment designed for heavy and bulk cargo.
    • Storage facilities for various commodities, especially for minerals and ores.
    • Rail connections linking the port to mining regions.
  2. Draft and Berths:

    • Port Cartier accommodates vessels with deep drafts, suitable for large bulk carriers.
    • The berths are constructed to handle large volumes of heavy bulk materials efficiently.
  3. Depth:

    • The port waters are deep, supporting the docking of large ocean-going ships.
    • The harbor and approaches are regularly dredged to maintain navigability.
  4. Cargo:

    • Major commodities handled include iron ore, coal, and other bulk minerals.
    • Facilities are designed to support rapid loading and unloading to reduce turnaround times.
  5. Port Services:

    • Pilotage is available and often required for navigational safety.
    • Tug services to assist in safe docking and undocking of vessels.
    • Repairs and maintenance services available for vessels at the port.
  6. Connectivity:

    • The port is linked by rail to northern mining regions, facilitating the efficient movement of raw materials.
    • Road transportation networks connect the port to other significant industrial areas.
  7. Owner/Operator:

    • Major operations are often managed by private companies, particularly those involved in the mining sector, such as ArcelorMittal, which has significant operations in Port Cartier.

Economical and Strategic Importance

  • Port Cartier plays a vital role in Canada's mining and metallurgical sectors.
  • It provides a crucial gateway for the export of iron ore and other minerals, contributing significantly to the regional and national economy.
  • The port's infrastructure supports substantial international trade, connecting Canadian resources to global markets.

Environmental and Safety Measures

  • Compliance with environmental regulations to minimize the impact on local ecosystems.
  • Safety protocols are rigorously followed to ensure the safe operation of port activities and the wellbeing of port workers.

Understanding the strategic importance and operational specifics of Port Cartier is essential for stakeholders in the shipping, mining, and bulk cargo industries. It serves as a critical node in both regional and international logistics chains.

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