• Latitude: 57.6647
  • Longitude: -3.0125
  • UK Coast & Atlantic
  • Marina in UK

Address: UK

Portgordon, UK: Marine Port Description and Specifications

Overview: Portgordon, also known as Port Gordon, is a small historical fishing village located on the north-east coast of Scotland in Moray, on the southern shore of the Moray Firth. While it is not a major commercial port, it holds significance for local fishing activities and for yachts and small craft seeking shelter.


  • Latitude: Approximately 57.6700° N
  • Longitude: Approximately 3.0167° W

Port Type:

  • Small fishing port and leisure craft harbor.


  • Berthing:

    • Primarily intended for smaller fishing boats and leisure yachts.
    • The harbor has limited berthing facilities capable of accommodating a modest number of small vessels.
  • Quay/Jetty:

    • There is a single main quay area where vessels can moor.
  • Depth:

    • The depth at the entrance to the harbor and within the harbor itself is shallow, making it suitable primarily for vessels with a shallow draft.
  • Tide:

    • The port experiences significant tidal variations, with the range influencing the accessibility of the harbor.
    • Mariners need to be aware of the tidal conditions when planning entry or departure.
  • Navigation Aids:

    • Basic navigational aids like buoys or beacons may be placed to assist vessels in entering the harbor.
    • Charts and local navigation guides should be consulted for detailed pilotage.

Shore Services:

  • Given the small scale of the harbor, amenities are limited.
  • There might be basic provisions and local accommodations available in the village of Portgordon.
  • Fuel and water supply services could be minimal or absent, with nearby larger towns providing more comprehensive services.

Commercial Activities:

  • The primary commercial use of Portgordon historically revolves around local fishing operations.
  • There may be minimal commercial cargo or ferry services given the size and type of the harbor.

Transportation Links:

  • Road connections to nearby town centers in Moray, providing access to broader services and amenities.
  • The nearest significant town is Buckie, which offers more comprehensive port facilities.
  • Nearby railway stations and bus services offer connections to other parts of Scotland.

Environmental Considerations:

  • The waters around the Moray Firth support diverse marine life, including dolphins. Conservation measures might be in place to protect these ecosystems.
  • Mariners are encouraged to follow best practices to minimize their environmental impact while using the harbor.

Port Authority/Management:

  • Local harbor authority or management body that oversees the operation and maintenance of Portgordon.
  • Mariners should contact the port prior to arrival for the latest harbor information and berthing availability.


  • Portgordon is appreciated for its scenic location and historical maritime charm.
  • It is ideal for local fisheries and leisure mariners but not equipped to handle large commercial shipping operations.

For up-to-date information and specific details, contacting local port authorities or consulting maritime publications and notices to mariners is recommended.

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