• Latitude: -27.1256
  • Longitude: -48.5503
  • East Coast South America
  • Anchorage in Brazil

Address: Brazil

Port Description: Porto Belo Anchorage, Brazil

General Overview: Porto Belo Anchorage is located in Porto Belo Bay, a sheltered area off the southeastern coast of Brazil in the state of Santa Catarina. This natural harbor provides protection from the south and southwest swells, making it a suitable anchorage point for vessels. Porto Belo is known for its scenic beauty, clear waters, and serves both commercial and recreational maritime activities.

Location and Accessibility:

  • Coordinates: Approximately 27°09'S latitude and 48°31'W longitude.
  • Nearest Major City: Florianópolis, the capital of the state of Santa Catarina, is about 60 kilometers to the north.
  • Access: Vessels arrive via the South Atlantic Ocean. The anchorage is accessible year-round, though navigational care is needed due to the presence of reefs and shallows in the surrounding waters.

Anchorage Characteristics:

  • Water Depths: Typically ranging from 10 to 20 meters in the designated anchorage areas. Depth can vary, so precise depth-sounding and consultation with local nautical charts are recommended.
  • Sea Conditions: Generally calm due to the protection offered by the surrounding land and islands. However, local weather conditions can affect sea state.
  • Holding Ground: Mostly sandy and suitable for anchoring. It is crucial for masters to ensure the anchor is well set.

Facilities & Services:

  • Port Facilities: Porto Belo is primarily an anchorage; extensive port facilities are limited. Basic services may be available, but major repairs and resupply typically require travel to larger ports like Itajaí or Florianópolis.
  • Pilotage: Generally not compulsory but recommended for unfamiliar vessels due to local navigational hazards.
  • Tug Assistance: Limited availability. Vessels might need to arrange towage services from nearby ports if required.
  • Bunkering: Not widely available in Porto Belo. Bunkering services can be arranged through larger ports in the region.
  • Water and Provisions: Basic supplies can be sourced locally, but extensive provisioning might necessitate travel to larger cities.

Shipping and Cargo:

  • Primarily serves small commercial vessels, yachts, and cruise ships. The port can facilitate passenger transference to shore via tender boats.
  • Cargo handling facilities are limited. Porto Belo Anchorage is not a major cargo hub but may handle small-scale cargo operations.

Restrictions & Regulations:

  • Environmental Protection: The area is known for its ecological significance, and there are stringent local and national regulations regarding pollution and environmental protection.
  • Local Regulations: Adherence to Brazilian maritime laws and local regulations is mandatory. Vessels are advised to consult with local authorities or agents for detailed compliance requirements.

Tourism and Recreation:

  • Porto Belo is a popular tourist destination known for its beaches and marine activities such as diving and snorkeling. The tranquil waters and beautiful surroundings attract numerous recreational vessels.

Noteworthy Considerations:

  • Weather: The region experiences a subtropical climate with distinct seasons. Inclimate weather, including occasional storms, can affect anchoring conditions.
  • Navigational Alerts: Mariners should be aware of local fishing activities and vessels, as well as seasonal whale migrations that may occur offshore.

Conclusion: Porto Belo Anchorage offers a picturesque and safe mooring location for vessels operating in the southern Brazilian waters. Despite its limited port infrastructure, it serves as a functional spot for anchoring, especially for smaller vessels and recreational maritime activities. For detailed operational planning, direct contact with local maritime agents or port authorities is advisable.

Vessels in the port

Flag Name Type Destination Date/Time
DONA HELENA Fishing 9/15/2024
RELAX Sailing 9/7/2024
ZIMBROX Sailing 8/27/2024
AMY CHOUEST Other ITAJAI 8/26/2024

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